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iInitialize the Student List with empty List by default.

    Student Class (20 points)
    This class consists of the following members. All the properties have public getters and no setters.

    StudentID: int
    o A integer property to store Student ID number
    Name: string
    o A string property to store student’s name
    Marks: double
    o A double property to store student’s marks for some course e.g. 50 / 100
    Grade: string
    o A string property getter will calculate and return letter grade based on student’s
    marks as per following criteria:
    Page 2 of 5Define the following constructors for this class:

    Student (int id, string name, double marks)
    o This constructor will assign received parameters to the respective class properties
    Implement the following methods in the class:

    override string ToString()
    o this method should display all the student details in appropriate format.
    Advisor_Student.txt file
    This text file contains the student information that each academic advisor should help. The file
    records are structured using CSV (Comma Separated Values) format. The following is the sample
    record from file:
    498,003,Andrew Kim,25
    In the record above, 498 indicates academic advisor ID who will be helping student Andrew Kim
    who’s student ID is 003 and marks are 25.
    AcademicAdvisor class (50 points)
    This class consists of the following members. All the properties have public getters and no setters.
    •ID : int
    o A int property to store ID of each advisor
    •StudentList : List
    o This is property holds a list of student objects that the advisor will help.
    Define the following constructors for this class:

    AcademicAdvisor(int ID)
    o This constructor will assign received ID parameters to the respective class
    o It will initialize the StudentList with empty List by default.
    o It will then open and read file named “Advisor_Student.txt” which is provided with
    this file.
    o It will read one line at a time, and extract all the fields from the records.
    o If the first field obtained from each file record matches advisor ID provided as
    parameter in constructor, create an object of Student class with the help of
    remaining fields obtained from file record.
    Page 3 of 5o Add the created Student class object, to the StudentList variable.
    Implement the following methods in the class:

    void AddStudent(int studID, string name, double marks)
    o this method will create an object of the Student class with the help of provided
    parameters and add the object to StudentList.
    o It should also print the newly created object values
    void ShowAll()
    o this method will display all the student details for the current advisor.
    void ShowAll(string grade)
    o this method will display all the student details for the current advisor if student’s
    grade matches with the parameter provided to this function.
    Testing (30 points)
    To test your application, get the start-up code provided in the attached file Startup.cs, copy-paste
    the code to your class and execute. You may alter/change the test harness provided in the start-
    up code while creating program. However, your assessment will be graded for the execution and
    output against provided test harness. At the end of your work, the output should like below:

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