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Home » How has President Trump influenced the Federal Courts with his appointments?

How has President Trump influenced the Federal Courts with his appointments?

    Federal Court Structure and Judicial Appointment:

    1)How does Judicial Selection play a role in shaping the ideology of the Supreme Court?
    2)Reflect upon the selections made by FDR and Reagan and how they influenced judicial ideology.  These selections of these two presidents also influenced the path of the Due Process v. Crime Control models of judicial interpretation.
    3)How has President Trump influenced the Federal Courts with his appointments.  Review the date on the Judicial Tracker to discover the impact of recent presidents on the Federal Courts
    DISCUSSION TWO:Case Selection to Stare Decisis

    Discussion Question:
    Should the Supreme Court follow Stare Decisis? Select on method of Constitutional Interpretation FROM Modes of Constitutional Interpretation and include it in your post.  Take a position and defend it with evidence from your readings or the videos.

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