Putting the finishing touches on your essay 


Take the time to carefully edit and review every assignment before submitting it. This includes ensuring that:

  • you have addressed the question completely and without going off topic
  • you have not gone off topic.
  • your essay has all of the required components (introduction, conclusion, topic sentences for each paragraph, a reference list or bibliography)
  • your ideas are sound and supported by evidence
  • your ideas are clearly expressed, leaving no room for misinterpretation or confusion
  • the grammar and punctuation are correct
  • everything that should be referenced is referenced
  • the referencing is correct and complete

These pre-submission inspections are described in greater detail below.

Have you responded to the query?

Examine your notes from the essay question analysis (see ‘How to Begin’), as well as your final essay plan (see ‘How to Finalize Your Essay Plan’). Compare and contrast these to the essay you’ve produced. Is your thesis statement an accurate response to the question? Have you stuck to your final essay strategy? Why not, if not? Is every point you make in your essay directly related to the question you’re answering? Is there a link between each component and your solution to the essay question?

Have you followed the instructions to the letter?

Is your paper under the word limit? Is your essay compliant with all standards if your teacher or lecturer gave a checklist of components to include in your essay or an essay marking rubric? Have you read all of the required texts and referred to them? Is your essay formatted according to the proper referencing style? Is there a sufficient number of references in it?

Is the structure satisfactory as a whole?

Is there a distinct start and finish to your essay? Have you followed the guidelines in ‘How to Begin’ for what your introduction and conclusion should contain? Is there a distinct topic phrase in each paragraph that connects each point to the thesis statement and ensures that your essay is well-structured? Do your essay’s ideas build on one another, making your case stronger with each paragraph? Do you utilize terms and phrases like ‘in addition to,”similar findings,’ and ‘conversely’ to emphasize connections throughout your essay?

Is your essay well-structured in terms of paragraphs?

Does each paragraph in your body paragraphs build only one primary idea? Is the sequence of the body paragraphs logical (e.g., most important to least significant)? Is there a topic sentence at the start of each paragraph that clearly explains the argument you’ll be making in that paragraph? Do the other sentences in the paragraph support that theme with evidence from the literature, explanation, elaboration, or examples?

Is each of your phrases complete and correct?

Are all of your sentences finished? Does each one make sense on its own, communicate one distinct idea, and include a subject and at least one verb? Are your sentences of varying lengths, with none being excessively short or long? Is the grammar in each statement correct? Have you utilized consistent verb tense, singular/plural verbs with singular/plural subjects, and reviewed your article usage with singular nouns, for example? Have you double-checked your spelling and punctuation?

Is your general grammatical style adequate for an academic paper?

Have you employed formal language in your work, as it would be expected in an academic setting? Have you avoided utilizing colloquial language, idioms, or contractions (all of which are common in spoken and informal communication)? Is your text fluid and graceful when you read it aloud, or does it have any ‘clunky’ parts? Have you employed language that is inclusive? (You may not use sexist or racist language or phrases that are gender-specific, such as ‘spokesman’ rather than ‘spokesperson.’)

Are there any repeating terms or phrases in your content that you may try to change up with synonyms? Have you utilized conjunctions correctly (e.g., ‘though,’ ‘however,’ and ‘further,’) and is using a conjunction important for your meaning? (Some rookie writers believe they must use a conjunction at the beginning of every sentence, but they should only be used when it is necessary to convey your point.)

Have you reviewed your work for typing errors, missing or misused words, and completed a spell and grammar check?

Have you cited all of your sources appropriately and consistently?

Have you included an in-text citation every time you quoted, paraphrased, or summarized the ideas or language of another source? Is each of your in-text citations accompanied by a reference list entry? Have you followed the referencing requirements given by your department (or ones you chose) correctly and consistently? Is your reference list or bibliography formatted according to the rules?

Finally, make sure you’ve:

• neatly formatted your essay according to your university’s guidelines;

• numbered the pages of your essay;

 • attached the requested cover sheet with all information completed and correct

• saved a copy of the final version of your assignment to a dedicated folder on your computer or an external hard drive so you don’t accidentally delete it. It’s also a good idea to save a backup copy in the cloud or print a hard copy. All of your assignments should be copied and kept for the duration of your degree.

You should now have a well-structured, thoroughly researched, and polished essay that is ready for submission if you followed the stages indicated.

If you require any additional assistance, AceAssignment is always available to assist you.

Editing and proofreading are two distinct steps of document preparation, as you can see. Once an author has done writing the initial draft of a document, he or she almost always engages a professional proofreading and editing service. Authors can easily employ a second pair of eyes thanks to the plethora of internet proofreading and editing services. However, it is critical that the editor and proofreader are knowledgeable with not just your field of work but also the subject-specific conventions in order to assist you in expressing your thoughts clearly and coherently.

Proofreading is a surface-level check by definition. It is the ultimate examination of a document. Misspellings, incorrect/missed punctuation, inconsistencies (textual and numerical), and other errors will be checked by a proofreader. Editing, on the other hand, corrects faults like sentence structure and linguistic clarity that are at the heart of writing. A comprehensive editing will aid in improving the text’s readability, clarity, and tone. For a fluid narration, an editor will evaluate and polish your work.

It’s nearly tough to notice flaws in your own academic writing, regardless of whether you’re a first-year college student, a PhD candidate, or a seasoned researcher. So, what’s the harm in taking a chance?

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Our academic proofreaders and editors will point out any errors in your document, as well as any spelling and grammar issues, and propose adjustments that will improve the clarity of your work.

Using Microsoft Word’s “track changes” option, you can decide whether or not to accept the changes proposed by the editor in your academic work.

Changes to your document are completely within your control.

Our experienced editors are graduates from the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States, and they will never plagiarize or ghostwrite any of your academic papers. Your work will be edited for clarity, flow, and consistency.

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  • Theses
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  • Admissions Essays
  • Book Reviews
  • Projects
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