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Home » Create an automobile class that will be used by a dealership as a vehicle inventory program.

Create an automobile class that will be used by a dealership as a vehicle inventory program.

    Program corrections: Make the appropriate corrections to all the programming assignments submitted as Critical Thinking assignments from Modules 1-6. You will need to submit the programs along with the carefully outlined corrections needed in order for the programs to run correctly.
    Lessons learned reflection: Create a 2-3-page summary that outlines the lessons learned in this Programming I course.
    Final program: Create a final program that meets the requirements outlined below.
    Final Program Requirements
    Create an automobile class that will be used by a dealership as a vehicle inventory program. The following attributes should be present in your automobile class:
    private string make
    private string model
    private string color
    private int year
    private int mileage.
    Your program should have appropriate methods such as:
    default constructor
    parameterized constructor
    add a new vehicle  method
    list vehicle information (return string array)
    remove a vehicle method
    update vehicle attributes method.
    All methods should include try..catch constructs. Except as noted all methods should return a success or failure message (failure message defined in “catch”).
    Create an additional class to call your automobile class (e.g., Main or AutomobileInventory). Include a try..catch construct and print it to the console.
    Call automobile class with parameterized constructor (e.g., “make, model, color, year, mileage”).
    Then call the method to list the values. Loop through the array and print to the screen.
    Call the remove vehicle method to clear the variables.
    Print the return value.
    Add a new vehicle.
    Print the return value.
    Call the list method and print the new vehicle information to the screen.
    Update the vehicle.
    Print the return value.
    Call the listing method and print the information to the screen.
    Display a message asking if the user wants to print the information to a file (Y or N).
    Use a scanner to capture the response. If “Y”, print the file to a predefined location (e.g., C:TempAutos.txt). Note: you may want to create a method to print the information in the main class.
    If “N”, indicate that a file will not be printed.

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