*** You will reply to 2 classmates’ threads. At least 1 paragraph in length. The

*** You will reply to 2 classmates’ threads. At least 1 paragraph in length. They must be on the same page but LABELED WHO’s is WHOSE. The first paragraph should be labeled (Lakeshia Williams) and the other one should be labeled (Bratanya Simmons) ****** Respond by answering their survey questions. Then, provide feedback on what you thought each question was asking, how well the questions addressed the stated hypothesis, and how well the given answer choices allowed you to answer with your desired response.
Lakeshia Williams
If you assist your children with their homework independent variable than they won’t have a GPA of D or below’ on their report card. (Dependent variable))
1)What is your oldest child’s GPA?
I don’t know
D or Below
2)Does your child bring homework home?
I don’t know
How often do your assist your child with their homework weekly?
Bratanya Simmons
If you set consequences (Independent variable) for bad grades, your child/children will work hard to use their devices (dependent variable).
1 What is your child’s favorite device?
Cell phone
Gaming system
All the above
2. Do you communicate with your child’s teacher before report cards are given out?
Only if the teacher reaches out first
Do not have time to reach out to the teacher
3. Do you provide resources for your child in meeting grade expectations?
Non School related Tutors (out of pocket cost)
After school tutoring
No resources provided to child
Work with the child at home
4. Have you talked about why it’s essential to maintain good grades with your child?
A. Yes
B. No
What is your child’s current GPA?
A. Honor Roll (A’s and B’s)
B. Passing (child has C’s but no D’s or F’s)
C. Do not know
D. Failing

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