Please read the “Logical Fallacies” reading in Week Three Readings before doing

Please read the “Logical Fallacies” reading in Week Three Readings before doing this activity:
Post a link to your ad below.
Identify any logical fallacies you find in your ad.
Significant issues applying logical fallacies in ad. Lack of evidence of engagement with necessary readings. Major misunderstandings of definition of terms.
Solid application of logical fallacies to ad at hand. Some misunderstanding of nuances of terms expected since this is an initial exploration.
Application of logical fallacies analysis to text in an insightful way above what would be expected for a first attempt.
Score of Logical Fallacies,/ 4
This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.
0.35 points
0.45 points
0.5 points
Criterion Score
Major mistakes in grammar that demonstrate either a lack of effort or major misunderstanding of common grammatical structures or rules.
Common mistakes in college level grammar. Relatively well proofread.
Few to no mistakes in grammar. Engaging style that shows effort to engage readers.
Score of Grammar,/ 0.5
Peer Response
Missing peer responses. Peer responses may be cursory or simply congratulatory. Peer responses show little evidence of critical engagement with classmate’s thoughts and texts.
Peer responses show student read classmate’s post and offered helpful thoughts pertaining to the task of the assignment at hand.
Excellent and very helpful comments to peers that not only respond to their posts but help progress the overall classroom conversation on the task at hand.
Score of Peer Response,/ 0.5
Rubric Total Score

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