What is the technology?

I need this to be a very detailed and informative 2-page outline presentation as I am going to use this outline to present face to face with my class.
– The Topic concerns one new (last 5 years) technology.
I chose GPT-3 Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 3, an Auto-aggressive language model that is a part of the Natural Language Processing Systems (NLP) technology.
– The topic needs to be clear and concise and directly adapted to your audience (co-workers)
– Topic should be used with technical terms and concepts clearly defined and cited with quality sources.
– Ensure the introduction and conclusion are clear to allow the audience to follow and synthesize the information.
– Be sure to do enough research to fill in any gaps in your knowledge.
– Be sure to acknowledge in the outline presentation the experience(s) that have allowed you to gain expertise with the topic.
– The technology must be arguably workplace-relevant.
– The audience is your co-workers.
– You may choose any workplace you like, whether you currently work there or not.
– Include a descriiption of your workplace and your job at the top of your outline. You will however ‘speak’ as if people knew about their own workplace.
**The outline should be guided by these questions:
– What is the technology?
– Why does it matter to this workplace?
– What will/should your coworkers do with it?
Using this GPT-3 technology, name a workplace that would be relevant in using this. What would my position/job be? And my coworkers?
Otherside AI is a company that uses GPT-3. You can use this if you can’t find another company but you should be able to. What is my position? ( i.e. admin/administrator/healthcare worker/corporate/sales worker)
If you have any questions on this or would like to add or change anything differently, please feel free to reach out at any time. Appreciate the help, thank you.

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