What information would your instructor need to write an effective letter of recommendation?

Assignment Details:
Find a specific job, internship, or graduate program that you would be interested in applying for. Your task is to request a letter of recommendation from one of your instructors. You will write your request in the format of an email.
Part 1: Plan
• Create your outline for a complete, detailed, and action-oriented message
• Think about the following questions to help you plan your request and determine the information you need to include:
1. Why would your instructor want to write a letter of recommendation for you?
2. What information would your instructor need to write an effective letter of recommendation?
3. How can you organize your information to make it easier for your instructor to write a letter of recommendation?
4. What tone will you try to project in your email?
5. What is the subject line? What is your call to action?
Part 2: Write
• Write the email request for a letter of recommendation.
• Put your request in the format of an email (include the subject, to/from, email signature, introduction stating the purpose of your email, paragraphs with strong topic sentences and support, concluding statement with a call to action, etc.).
• Ensure you incorporate the format, structure, and components of a routine business message (see the section on “Making Requests” in Chapter 9 – Routine Messages for details).
Part 3: Review
• Proofread for grammar, spelling, and punctuation (use Grammarly!).
• Edit for clarity and conciseness.
• Ensure you are keeping your audience and their needs in mind.

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