Try to complete the initial response by Thursday during the first week, so that

Try to complete the initial response by Thursday during the first week, so that everyone can complete the follow-up replies by Friday.
In his chapter “What is ‘Academic’ Writing?” Irvin describes seven common “myths” or misconceptions that college students have about writing college-level essays. Which, if any, of these myths did you yourself believe before reading this chapter?
Were you surprised to see these beliefs about college writing described as “myths”?
How does the kind of writing described in this chapter compare to the kind of writing you have done in other classes prior to this semester, whether in high school, college, or elsewhere?
This chapter talks a lot about critical reading. In your own words, how are reading and writing interconnected in academic essays?
Finally, please respond to and elaborate on anything else you found interesting and noteworthy in this chapter.

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