This assignment aligns with Module 2 Learning Outcome 1 and Module Objective 1.

This assignment aligns with Module 2 Learning Outcome 1 and Module Objective 1.
Write an essay on “What is the state and local picture of Civil Service Merit Systems today?”
Research and review three articles (may include articles referenced in book).
Write a two-page paper (maximum) that explains the state and local picture of Civil Service Merit Systems today.
Be certain to include the websites of the organization used to access the information by creating a references page as a document.
Follow APA style format.
Include in-text reference citation and a References page in APA format.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate knowledge of the overall personnel management processes in the public sector organizational / agency context.
Module Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to:
Examine the impact of civil service reform on Personnel practices

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