The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity to familiarize yours

The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity to familiarize yourself with published research. The tasks of the assignment are as follows:
Choose an empirical article from a professional journal where the author(s) describe the purpose, method, and results of a scientific investigation. Some examples of relevant journals in Developmental Psychology are:
Aging and Cognition
Child Development
Death Studies
Developmental Psychology
Developmental Review
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences
Human Development
Journal of Black Psychology
Journal of Marriage and the Family
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly
Psychology and Aging
Research on Aging
Note that not all research articles are complicated reading. As a novice, it might help to browse through the journals until you come upon one that is of interest as well as readable.
Identify your article by including a full APA style reference of it at the top of your assignment.
Briefly summarize the research article using the headings most common to such empirical reports. These include the Introduction, which generally states a rationale for the investigation and the purpose of the study. The introduction also reviews relevant research. Next is the Method section, which includes a descriiption of the participants, instruments, and procedures. The Results section follows next, which addresses the significant findings of the study. Finally, comes the Discussion and Conclusion where the author(s) summarize(s) the findings and future directions.
Note that in writing an abstract you do not want to reproduce or summarize the entire article. Rather, you want to provide the most salient information, as succinctly as possible in each of the aforementioned areas. Further, in some instances, you might choose to replicate or incorporate part of the original text. In these cases, you MUST put quotation marks around the words you are copying, followed by the page number in parentheses.
Type your one-page abstract and submit.

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