The first essay genre is called a profile. In the words of our textbook: “Profil

The first essay genre is called a profile. In the words of our textbook: “Profiles are written portraits––of people, places, events, or other things” (233). You have two weeks to write this journalistic piece because it will require observation. You will choose a specific person, place, event, or other thing that you want to learn more about or that is important enough to you that you want to write about it. You will go to that place or event and observe or interview that person and take detailed notes. Ideally, your essay should also approach your subject from a particular angle: some details should be emphasized more than others to create a focused dominant impression. It will be evaluated according to the following Key Features:
An interesting subject
Any necessary background
An interesting angle
A firsthand account
Engaging details
Your essay should be 3 pages long in proper MLA or APA format.

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