SOC-101 Reviewed Articles Educational Goal: The assignment intends to develop a

SOC-101 Reviewed Articles
Educational Goal:
The assignment intends to develop a student’s ability to:
Article can be found in the module under review article.
Read and follow directions
Collect information / data
Analyze and interpret the information/data
Article can be found under the module.
Important Note:
Realize that every class and instructor/professors may have different formats and requirements for their papers. Carefully read the directions, instructions and guidelines for every class. Take the time to prepare each paper specifically for each class. One instructor/professor may require one thing and another instructor may require something that is totally opposite. Do not Assume that all paper assignment will be the same.
Peer Reviewed Articles:
A written college level paper. This paper will utilize the scientific method to analyze and discuss data/information concerning our contemporary society. ALL papers should use “word” or be saved in an .eft format for submission. Papers must be submitted to Canvas under the section/module due dates.
Your paper should include the following parts:
What is the research about/problem?
What is the Hypothesis?
What methods did they use?
How big was the population size?
What were the results?
In your conclusions what is a another typic you can research about from this paper?
You most have a minimum of 2 sources (i.e., article and textbook), in your reference page. Failure to have the minimum sources will mean a deduction of points.
Your paper much be typed using a system such as Word or Google Docs and Double Spaced; standard font (Times New Roman or Arial – size 12). It should be 2 pages, any papers under the 2 pages will be penalized. Papers over 2 pages will NOT be penalized.
Check the syllabus for the DUE DATES of these project. These projects should be submitted to the area on the models or under the assignment area.
These assignments are worth 50 point a piece.
General Concerns of Papers:
Because many students have questions about the structure, format, and writing of papers the following guidelines have been developed to aid you in your endeavor.
Mechanics of writing: Your paper will not be graded based on correct grammar or spelling. HOWEVER, well-written papers tend to receive better grades. It is therefore in your best interest to be concerned with spelling and grammar. These papers are a college assignment, and a freshman/sophomore college level quality is demanded. Paper formats, which you have used in your college level English courses, are acceptable. If you need to develop a style the MLA style is suggested. It is the format utilized by our English department. (APA format is also acceptable) If you have trouble in the area of grammar, spelling, or format I suggest starting and finishing the assignment early so someone can proofread your writing and typing.
If you need help with the MLA format go to the VVC Library Webpage and click on Research Tools. Then click on the MLA icon for the MLA style guide – here is a link: (Links to an external site.). Click on the APA icon for the APA style guide. You can also access the VVC Writing Center online at: (Links to an external site.) or actually visit the center on lower campus in the Humanities Center (HC5).
Referencing material: For a more complete discussion go to the VVC Library webpage in the Websites button and look in the MLA or APA style guides. Information can also be obtained at the VVC Writing Center Website. There are also some helpful links located in External Links in Canvas. A good reference for the MLA style guide is The Owl at Purdue, “MLA 2009 Formatting and Style Guide” located at: (Links to an external site.)
References/Citations/Work Cited
Your references or citations indicates ALL sources that you have used to compile your paper. These include written work, audio, audio visual, interviews, and questionnaires (which should include a time, date, and place where they were administered). Your citations should be very complete and thorough.
The references are very similar to footnotes. There are some important differences.
It must contain ALL the published material and ANY OTHER sources that you have used.
The following should be contained within your references. This information should be written out in line form NOT outlined. (See examples)
For MLA basic book information, you will need:
Author (last name last).
A book’s title is italicized.
An article’s title is in “quotation marks”.
Source (Journals, Anthologies, Magazines, Newspapers, Flyers, and etc.)
Source title is italicized
Month Year
Volume number
Place and year published.
Are mandatory if there is a direct quote or paraphrasing in your paper.
If you are summarizing an article or book and have no specific page numbers to cite there is no need to cite pages.
If using an online source, include the URL.
If using an online source, include the date of access.
Examples of References/Citations:
Kitano, Harry H. L, Race Relations, Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1997
Davis, K., “80% of naturalized Latinos sign up to vote, study say.” Los Angeles Times, September 5, 1989, part II, p. 7.
If you have problems with citations use: “Citation Machine” available in Web sites in Canvas: (Links to an external site.)

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