Resuscitate before you Intubate

Paper details:

Title of your PICOT paper
Format (15 points). Headings used as outlined below. All Paragraphs Follow the Scholarly Paragraphs Structure (MEAL- Main Sentence, Evidence, Analysis, Leading out or Summary sentence-all Included-review note to the Right). Grammar, Sentence Structure, Writing Style and APA (Must Include Title Page and Reference Page; Must Place Table in Addendum). Each Para is no Longer Than 6 Sentences and no Shorter Than 4 Sentences. Required page number- 4-6 (not including the Table, Reference Page, and Title Page). •
• Number each page
• Always include a title page with the title of the assignment and your name
• Use Times New Roman (12 font size) typeface
• Double space with 1-inch margins on all sides.
• Indent the first line of every paragraph with 5 spaces.
• Check to be sure that the paper is free of grammatical and spelling errors
• Follow APA 7th edition guidelines for citations within the text
• Follow APA 7th edition guidelines for direct quotes within the text
• Follow APA 7th edition guidelines for references.

State Your PICOT research question. Identify Specific (P) (I) (C) (O) (T) Components in the Statement (20 points)/Heading: PICOT
Population (5 points/1 paragraph): Define Study Population (inclusion and exclusion criteria). Provide one Full (MEAL) Scholarly Paragraph. Your Evidence Should be Related to PICOT Population. Heading: Study Population
Research Problem/Population (5 points/1 paragraph): Is This Clinical Nursing Problem a Priority Issue for the Patient Population/Provide Rationale (Why)? Provide one Full (MEAL) Scholarly Paragraph. Your Evidence Should be Related to Why Your PICOT is a Priority for the Population Studied. Heading: Research Problem Priority in (state population: e.g., adult ICU patients, etc.)
Intervention (10 points/1 paragraph): State/define and describe the Intervention. Provide one Full (MEAL) Scholarly Paragraph. Your Evidence Should be Related to Intervention. Heading: Define and Describe Study Intervention
Intervention Significance (5 points/1 paragraph): How and why is your selected intervention significant compared with what was already done in the past. Why did you choose this intervention? How Prevalent and Urgent is the Problem? Provide one Full (MEAL) Scholarly Paragraph. Your Evidence Should be Related to Intervention. Heading: Intervention Significance and Problem Prevalence and Rationale
Setting (5 Points): What is the Setting for this Problem? Provide one Full (MEAL) Scholarly Paragraph. Your Evidence Should be Related to Setting. Heading: Study Setting
Study One(4 points) (Primary/Within the Last five Years) Relevant to PICOT. Explain study’s relevance to PICOT. How is this study helpful in answering your PICOT research question? Provide one Full (MEAL) Scholarly Paragraph. Heading: Study One and its Relevance to PICOT
Study Two(4 points) (Primary) Relevant to PICOT. Explain study’s relevance to PICOT. How is this study helpful in answering your PICOT research question? Provide one Full (MEAL) Scholarly Paragraph. Heading: Study Two and its Relevance to PICOT
Must Place Table in Appendix (in APA) Complete the Following Table (2 points) (Include PICOT Relevant Studies)

Database and years searched (last 5 years) Include the name of each database you search in and years you searched (e.g., CINAHL, 2016-2021, etc.).
Number of studies identified
(e.g., 200 (note by each database) Names of Journals
(state the name of journals encountered in your search) Concepts included in studies (e.g., hand washing, infection, etc.)

Comparison (5 Points) for Your PICOT research question. Define and describe your comparison. Why did you choose it? Provide one Full (MEAL) Scholarly Paragraph. Your Evidence Should be Related to Comparison Concept Used for Your PCIOT. Heading: Comparison and Rationale for Comparison Choice
Outcome(s) (10 Points) for Your PICOT research question. Define and describe your Outcome as it is listed in your PICOT research question. Why did you select this outcome? Provide one Full (MEAL) Scholarly Paragraph. Your Evidence Should be Related to Outcomes in Your PICOT Heading: Research Study Outcome and Rationale for Outcome Choice
State a Timeframe (4 points) for Your Outcome With the Rationale (6 points). What is your PICOT research question timeframe and why (review other studies for timeframe)? Provide one Full (MEAL) Scholarly Paragraph. Your Evidence Should be Related to the Timeframe used for in Your PICOT Heading: Research Study Timeframe and Rationale for Timeframe

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