Read pdf and do the writing For each reading, provide a 200-300 word structured

Read pdf and do the writing For each reading, provide a 200-300 word structured summary/discussion of each journal article. By a “structured summary/discussion,” I mean, identify the article’s 1) main topic/argument; 2) chief findings; and 3) key concept(s); and 4) primary examples and other forms of evidence. Draw upon specific quotes, concepts, and examples from the text to write your summary. Only after having identified these different components should you then provide your own discussion i.e. “What intrigued, confused, inspired you about the article?” The reading response will be graded out of 5 points using the following rubric: Identifies the main argument(s) and key concept(s) Provides support for this argument (with specific quotes, concepts, and examples) from the text Engages with this argument by further elaborating and/or critiquing its implications/significance Writing/grammar/style (is succinct, well-organized, and has no obvious spelling or grammatical errors)

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