Reflection paper (minimum of 2 pages, double spaced, 12 point font) on the foll

Reflection paper (minimum of 2 pages, double spaced, 12 point
font) on the following questions:
In the documentary, Hill Harper asks the question, why aren’t
we out there recruiting more black children to become doctors
and giving them the playbook to success. What strategies
can we implement here in our own community, starting today,
that can help to increase the number of Black men going into
 Former Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams states, “Your zip
code is more important than your genetic code in determining
your overall health.” What do you think about this comment?
Considering the regions around our school (and your
hometown/ places you have lived), would this statement hold
true? In what ways have you seen this play out (or not) with
patients in various zip codes?
 What are your final takeaway thoughts from this film and the
post-documentary discussion? What are you going to do?
What could we as an institution/ community do?
you can watch youtube videos to learn about black men in white coats

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