Provide a logically organized and synthesized review and analysis of the literature in close alignment with the topic, problem, and gap. 2 paragraphs.

The next parts needing assistance in this dissertation are below:
Primary Orientation
Provide an introduction to the review of scholarly literature, an argument for conducting the review, and a primary theoretical (and practice) orientation.(THis can be first page) Suggested length 3-4 paragraphs
Synthesis of the Evidence
Provide a logically organized and synthesized review and analysis of the literature in close alignment with the topic, problem, and gap. 2 paragraphs.
Detailed Procedures
Present a descriiption of the processes needed to complete the instruments by the participants or observers. Suggested length 2 paragraphs
I once again will upload my research plan as a reference to use regarding my topic. CITATIONS MUST BE NO MORE THAN 5 YEARS OLD. PLEASE REACH OUT IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS.THANK YOU

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