What kind of project organization structure should you use and why?

50 points – answer needs to be at least 200 words. Project Management Structure: You have been put in charge of a production redesign effort for you organization. Although you work in production, you will need help from accounting (money), human resources (personnel changes) and safety. Based on what you know, what kind of project organization structure should you use and why.
50 points – answer needs to be at least 200 words. Risk Mitigation Strategy: Your company is looking at making a significant capital investment in a factory that can produce a needed item at about half the cost of your other vendors. Your facility where you need the product produced by this factory is in Colorado. The factory that will produce the needed item is located in Puerto Rico. Using the Risk Management Strategy in the book and Power Points (Exhibit 2.3), evaluate the risk of this decision and recommend if this should be a go or not.
50 points – answer needs to be at least 200 words. Competitive Dimensions: You are the operations manager for Faster Foods, a company that is in the highly competitive world of restaurant-to-home delivery. Your main competitors are Uber Eats and Door Dash. Looking at the class lesson on Competitive Dimensions, we talked about how management has to decide which dimensions are critical to success and which ones aren’t. For Faster Foods choose 3 competitive dimensions you will need to dominate to stay competitive and why. Also, choose 1 Competitive Dimension that you would need to forgo to be able to focus on what is really important for Faster Foods.

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