Pecha-Kucha about Capital One Bank

Final Project:

The final project is to create an original Pecha-Kucha about Capital One Bank (300 points possible)

  • Required elements of the Pecha Kucha (please see rubric for complete details):
    • Company information, including what makes it one of the best.
    • Presentation of three HR practices at this organization, applying course materials and your research to discuss the extent to which they ascribe to sustainability by looking at the triple bottom line;
    • Three big data HR analyses tied to the company’s business plan and/or strategy; and
    • Your data-based recommendations for two future HR practices for this organization and how implementing your recommendations will enhance their sustainability
      • One recommendation should relate to the HR practices presented
      • One recommendation should relate to the HR analyses presented
  • Acceptable ways to submit the Pecha Kucha:
    • Recorded video
    • Powerpoint with voice over
    • Other methods as pre-approved by instructor
  • Additional elements of the final project:
    • Incorporation of at least 20 sources (e.g., white papers, articles) that were not part of the required or recommended course reading
    • Submission of your Pecha Kucha outline and/or script as a Word document, including endnotes
    • A complete bibliography of sources used/consulted
  • Grading: Research – 50 points, Analysis – 100 points, Recommendation – 100 points, Originality /Creativity – 50 points

To answer the question of “what is excellent” for full points, here’s what Excellent looks like:

Research – 50 points

  • Use of at least 20 sources in addition to materials provided from the course syllabus (10 points)
  • Concepts are appropriately cited within the Word outline or script (20 points)
  • There is a complete bibliography (10 points)
  • Materials cited go beyond what is company-provided/authored (10 points)

Analysis – 100 points

  • Clearly answers these questions within the 20 slides:
    • Basic information about the company (10 points)
    • What makes this organization one of the 100 best places to work (10 points)
    • Three separate HR practices at this organization and how each of these practices does/does not aid in the company’s sustainability in relation to triple bottom line thinking (25 points)
    • What are three big data HR analyses used by this company? How do these analyses connect with the company’s business plan or strategy? (25 points)
    • What are two HR practices that this company should consider that they are not doing today? How  will adding these practices improve their sustainability? (10 points)
    • Timely submission of a complete Pecha Kucha (20 points)

Recommendation – 100 points

  • Within the Word script/outline:
    • Connection between the recommendation and the three HR practices analyzed along with impact on sustainability (40 points)
    • Connection between the recommendation and the three big data analyses examined along with impact on sustainability (40 points)
    • Timely submission of Word script/outline (20 points)

Originality/Creativity – 50 points

  • The Pecha Kucha works/plays. It is viewable. (20 points) [note, you already have a working template]
  • Layout/template reflects company branding (5 points) [note, you already have a template, make it yours]
  • Only graphics/minimal text is used (5 points)
  • Graphics convey/align with what is being discussed in the voice over (10 points)
  • Graphics are different on every slide (10 points)


Final Project Rubric

Final Project Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources Use of at least 20 sources in addition to materials provided from the course syllabus10 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitations Concepts are appropriately cited within the Word outline or script using APA practices20 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBibliography There is a complete bibliography in APA format. This means that it is in alphabetical order.10 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSource of materials In addition to going beyond materials provided by the course syllabus, materials cited go beyond what is company-provided or authored by the company10 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis – Basic information Basic company information is provided10 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis – why 100 best Information is provided about what makes this organization one of the 100 best places to work10 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis – HR practices Discuss three separate HR practices at this organization and how each of these practices does/does not aid in the company’s sustainability in relation to triple bottom line thinking. NOTE: sustainability is NOT a stand alone HR practice.25 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis – big data HR practices What are three big data HR analyses used by this company? How do these analyses connect with the company’s business plan or strategy? Note: by analyses, look to the pillars of HR analytics.25 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis – recommendation for improvement What are two recommendations for improvement that this company should consider that they are not doing today? How will adding these practices improve their sustainability? One recommendation for improvement should relate to the three HR practices reviewed and one should relate to the three HR analytics reviewed.10 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimely submission Was a complete pecha kucha submitted on time?20 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRecommendation – HR practices Connection between a recommendation and the three HR practices analyzed. How does it impact sustainability?40 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRecommendation – big data analyses Connection between a recommendation and the three big data analyses examined. How does the recommendation impact sustainability?40 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRecommendation – Word script/outline Timely submission of Word script/outline20 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOriginality/creativity – does it work The pecha kucha works/plays. It is viewable.20 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOriginality/creativity – branding The layout/template reflects company branding5 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOriginality/creativity – minimal text Only graphics are used. If there is text, it is minimal.5 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOriginality/creativity – graphic alignment The graphics convey/align with what is being discussed in the voice over in each slide.10 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOriginality/creativity – Different graphics The graphics are different on every slide.10 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks10 pts
Total Points: 300
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