Identify three areas of focus for quality improvement in the scenario.

Develop a quality improvement plan that is based on the scenario by doing the following:
A. Discuss how to initiate a quality improvement project for this clinical problem.
1. Identify three areas of focus for quality improvement in the scenario.
a. Describe the types of quantitative and qualitative data gathered for part A1, including an example of each type of data.
b. Explain your process for gathering the data.
2. Identify a quality improvement model that can be implemented.
a. Describe the steps of the quality improvement model you chose.
3. Discuss the influence external agencies have on the quality improvement process.
a. Describe the focus of one organization that helps to drive quality standards for the department.
4. Discuss one example of how you will use benchmarking and performance measures to monitor the progress made toward quality improvement goals.
B. Identify the team members from the scenario who would contribute to the quality improvement team.
1. Describe the professional roles and responsibilities of each team member identified in part B.
2. Explain how each team member contributes to the project.
3. Discuss the qualities the team needs in order to facilitate project success.
C. Summarize why a quality improvement project is needed for the given scenario.
D. Create a professional memo to communicate your ideas for quality improvement project implementation to organizational leaders.
1. Describe the steps you will take to implement the quality improvement project in the organization.
E. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
F. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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