For your final assignment, you will write a 4-6 page paper on the song of your c

For your final assignment, you will write a 4-6 page paper on the song of your choosing describing the importance of this song as it pertains to the history of Rock and Roll. You may use the same song as your song form analysis project, but you are not required to use the same song. In writing your paper, you will be assessed on the following:
1) Brief biographical information about the artist(s).
2) Origin of the song you’ve selected, and any musical details/lyrical analysis that makes this song unique.
3) Argument for song’s importance to the development/contribution to Rock and Roll.
4) The use of descriiptive musical language, learned from the text throughout the semester.
5) The use of sources (at least 6) that support your arguments.
Papers should contain 4-6 pages of typed manuscriipt, double-spaced, with 1 inch margins all around, size 12 point font in one of the standard fonts such as Times New Roman. Any quotes or citations you make may follow the style guide of your choosing (MLA, APA, Chicago, Etc). You should also have a title page with your name and the name of your paper. The final page should be a bibliography naming all of your sources. The bibliography and title pages do not count towards your 4-6 page paper requirement.

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