Final paper – The final paper will require you to address an area of human behav

Final paper – The final paper will require you to address an area of human behavior in some depth and to extend your observations to the range of interventions available for the challenges you discuss. The standard format for this paper is listed below:
Choose an area in child mental health. You may work within the topics covered in the course syllabus or you may go beyond the syllabus in choosing a topic.
Discuss the area you have chosen, relying both on course material and on at least one additional resource you have identified. If you are discussing a condition, describe its’ development and presentation. (8-10 pages)
Discuss a particular person – their history, strengths and needs as relevant to social work intervention. (2 pages)
Discuss how the mental health materials you presented earlier help us understand this person’s presentation, both developmentally and descriiptively. How well do these materials help us account for this person’s strengths and needs. Address any important things about the person’s presentation that these materials do not adequately address. (2-3 pages)
Discuss intervention strategies that build on strengths and address needs. Rely on at least two outside sources, which can be taken either from other courses you are enrolled in or from your own literature search. (3-5 pages)
Some of you may find it more interesting to choose two child mental health areas to discuss. You would present each and discuss how they interact. After presenting material about a person you would discuss how each perspective would account for the person’s development and presentation, and share your view of the strengths and shortcomings of each perspective in this respect. Finally you would discuss intervention from each perspective, and comment on the merits of each.
You may also create an alternative design for this paper, which you must first discuss with me and have approved. The goal is not to follow a required structure but to work with a structure that will allow you to explore a child mental health area in some depth.
This paper is intended to be a substantial assignment and one that you can best address by beginning your work early in the semester and returning to the work often. There is no midterm paper assigned for this course, with the intent of allowing you to apply your full energies to one well-developed final product. You are required to present at least one outside source in your initial discussion of the issue and at least two sources in your intervention section of the paper. This paper should be 15-20 pages in length.

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