Essay 1. Babson College educates entrepreneurial leaders who create great econom

1. Babson College educates entrepreneurial leaders who create great economic and social value-everywhere. Using Babson’s mission, describe your short and long- term goals and how your goal(s) align with this mission. How do you intend to leverage Babson’s resources to support your ambitions? (300 words or less)
2. Share one thing that you have learned about yourself since starting your most recent as an Entrepreneur (Founder/CEO). How has this learning impacted other decisions or actions? (150 words or less)
3. Tell us about a mistake you have made either personally or professionally, and how you learned from it. Looking back, what would you do differently now? (the best way to answer this question is to talk about a specific example of a time you made a mistake: … Quickly switch over to what you learned or how you improved, after making that mistake. You might also explain the steps you took to make sure that the mistake never happened again). (150 words or less)
4. What are three fun facts about yourself that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee? (admission Committees want to learn about you as a student and person — your goals, your dreams, even your struggles, and not who your parents, friends or teachers think you are or should be). (150 words or less)
Please use this space (150 words max) if you would like to voluntarily share with the admissions committee any extenuating circumstances that have impacted an aspect of your application (e.g. my undergraduate lower GPA due to COVID-19, and a gap in between my work experience and completing my degree over twenty years later, etc.).

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