Domestic Violence Issue

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The purpose of my research would be to identify the social factors contributing to men’s response to domestic violence situations with their female partners. The problem is the continuation and the huge increase in intimate relationship violence today. I will conduct twenty interviews and will have one focus group, ethnic males, who resided in America who ranged in age from 20-40 years old. To do this I intend on studying males from different intervention facilities. The questions will be aimed at seeing what social factors are causing this huge trend of domestic violence with their partners. The sampling techniques used would be a convenience method and snowball to get the most in number and accurate and precise data possible. I would use a longitudinal study to speak to these domestic violence offenders and compare the different contributing factors.
According to (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence), On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States For one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men (, 2017). “1 in 4 women aged 18 and older in the United States have been the victim of severe physical violence intimate partner contact sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases by an intimate partner in their lifetime (, 2018)”. This is a huge concern that has been growing dramatically in recent years. These numbers have been rising specifically in the state of Alaska it’s reported the highest in the united states, with Alaska having the most reported domestic violent cases (59% is the homicide rate for female victims killed by a male partner in Alaska and the highest in the nation) (, 2014). These numbers are striking, to say the least.
Studies surrounding Domestic Violence with female partners have shown that offenders are more likely to be men who are facing financial instability, struggle with substance abuse, gender ideology in the relationship, and witnessing family violence growing up can have a huge impact on whether domestic violence will occur in intimate relationships. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a complex and prevalent problem and it is very important to understand the factors that are contributing to men’s responses to Domestic Violence situations with their female partners because it can cause long-term physical and mental health problems to the victims involved that will damage the rest of their lives.
Literature review
Domestic Violence & Income
Domestic violence is a classic “women’s issue.” In spite of the fact that both women and men can be victims (and even though both men and women can be violent) studies estimated that approximately 97% of abusers are men with female partners; between 1994 and 2010, the Bureau of Justice says, 4 in 5 victims of intimate partner violence were women (Catalano, 2012). Women who depend on their abusers have a smaller chance of being able to leave and more likely to go back to their abusive partners. The issue pertaining to finance such as the wife’s dropping money, requesting money, and the inability to earn and bring in money, and not having money to buy food was referred to some of the most common financial situations that trigger him to physically abuse his partner (Akhter, 2016).
Furthermore, the degree of women’s financial reliance on an abuser is associated with the harshness of the abuse they endure. Greater financial dependence is associated with more intense abuse. Third, financial abuse by its very nature, a form of domestic abuse since abusers think they are granted permission to act in ways that harm females financially and weaken their competence to become financially self- reliant. One example of economic abuse includes things like limiting female’s access to funds and obstructing their capability to work for a living or attend some type of education. These factors have caused someone to be vulnerable to violence.
Domestic Violence & Substance Abuse
An alcoholic or a drug addict will always discover a way to squander his anger; which can then lead to domestic violence. About 40-60% of domestic violence incidents involve substance abuse, according to a 2014 article published by the American Society of Addiction Medicine and More than one in five male abusers admitted to using substances before the most recent and extreme acts of violence (, 2018). This emphasizes that drugs and alcohol may aggravate violent impulses. The misuse and abuse of substances are connected to being a victim of childhood mistreatment growing up. Individuals who are physically or sexually abused as children are more likely to exhibit problem drinking behaviors in adulthood (Shortt, J. W, 2013).
The connection between alcohol utilization and domestic violence is that alcohol is the reasoning to the increased hostility and aggression that occurs and also indicates that while under the control of alcohol immediate circumstantial determinants might have been thought of as more threatening than they actually were which leads to an incident of domestic abuse. “Alcohol use directly affects cognitive and physical function, reducing self-control and leaving individuals less capable of negotiating a non-violent resolution to conflicts within relationships” (Ozdemir, 2014). illegal drug abuse is associated with acts of intimate violence in situations in which disputes between intimates arise over drugs and money needed to purchase drugs (Hampton, R.,2003). uncontrolled drinking or use of drugs by one partner can escalate the severity of financial complications. An overwhelming number’s like these point out that no matter how anybody appears to the external world, oftentimes what goes on behind shut doors is something completely different.
Domestic Violence & Gender Ideology
In majorly patriarchal areas, where traditional gender standards exist for females, in practice, have stayed the same in terms of in lower rank to men in nearly all forms of their being. For example, a women’s ability to act in their own discernment is utterly restrained. Women are recognized as a mother and a wife, instead of having their own rights and entitlement. On the other hand, the continuation of the belief and thought of men being the single “breadwinner” and the huge constraint. These bias standards can tremendously increase the risk of domestic violence situations. But in other places such as some part of America is one of the most developed countries in the world in regards to women’s rights such as having a job and going to school. But regardless of all the advancements, we have reached in terms of fairness and equal opportunities, domestic violence with female partners continues to progress and grow.
According to a study done it was concluded that husbands’ subjective sense of a loss of power in the marriage influenced attitudes toward violence, with the perceived loss of more power predicting more favorable attitudes toward violence and correlating with more violent behavior. (Jin, X., Doukas,2014). Despite the fact that women have more freedom and are portrayed to a higher degree, violence against women is still very common today.
Domestic Violence & Interparental Violence
Adolescents who grow up observing violence between both their parents can be at a higher risk of being violent in their forthcoming relationships. For kids, learning takes place for those who witness violence and also for those who experience violence. Kids may be experiencing physical abuse and for some, these experiences give an illustration to kids about what a satisfactory way of meshing with and connecting to others looks like and they may or may not imitate in their own adult relationships.
Particularly, kids see that parents use violence in baffling circumstances and to handle situations. Kids may be incapable distinguishing those occurrences in which aggression and hostility are appropriate and, may conclude that these kids developing very similar aggressive and intrusive behavior. Research has supported these propositions and finds that children who grow up in abusive families have a greater tendency to aggress against their adult partners when compared to those who are not abused as children (Lohman,2013).
The subject of this study will be on Intimate partner violence that generally contains a special population, the population intended on studying would be specifically males. My focus in my research would be ethnic males who range in age from 20-40 years old. Once I get my participants I will make sure my data is consistent from all my participants and make sure each respondent is openly and honestly talking about experiences with violence also being clear my participants in my study are well aware of how “violence and abuse” are defined by separating different kinds of violence, so it’s possible to distinguish between acts violence. I will be collecting my data through a digital tape recorder to accurately document the information the respondent conveys correctly of course given consent from the respondent and the intervention facility I will be interviewing at. After the completion of that, I would like to know the social factors that are contributing to men’s response to domestic violence situations with their female partners.
The Recruitment process of participants, which imaginably will be a very difficult process, for a range of reasons, one of the most important research concerns rely upon “acquiring access”. The outcome in this regard will have compelling results on the description and quality of the data collected in this study, there are two issues of access that must be dealt with. The first is attaining entrance into the intervention facility in which the fieldwork will be conducted. This is one of the greatest central tasks of all since any gatekeepers who refuse access will adequately avert me from approaching all the possible informants. The responsibility of convincing specific individuals correlated with the targeted intervention to take part in the research may appear baffling, to say the least.
However, a few of the approaches I have in mind for acquiring access to these interventions themselves are over suitable in this circumstance. Specifically, I may look to use advocacy from a “known advocate”, establish a mutual friendship between me and possible informants, and with maintaining the foundation build and the permission of a gatekeeper, he/she can be present as a source who will later introduce me to others who may become participants. I would use the convenience method and snowball. I picked this sampling strategy because I feel like I could go to a batterer treatment program facility and target someone who is there for beating their partner.
The factors that caused me to choose this sampling strategy is that men who are trying to get help in a domestic violence intervention would be more willing to speak to me and be more open with me about the factors causing them to turn to violence to their partner. I will be setting a limited quantity on the number of participants I have. In order to have a qualitative study, I would like to have at least 20 people. I would also like to have a very detailed interview with each participant. If that’s not enough data for my study, I will decide on more. The short number of people allows me not to rush and have accurate data. I will be using the non-probability technique because there is a deficiency in resources on the population I am trying to study. There is absolutely no way I can precisely select my participants in my study. As stated early I plan on going to places such as domestic violence interventions for offenders and attempting to interview males who are incarcerated for domestic violence charges to find the contributing factors that lead them to commit the crime of beating their partner.
This research study will contain both field observation research and interview research, so I can better collect the most accurate and best amount of qualitative data possible. Qualitative data was the greatest attainable way to find out the results of this study, as It grants a better right of expression. The interviewee might feel more comfortable giving a more accurate and real answer since it is not determined by others around. This kind of study is an excellent way of dealing with emotional and delicate topics or easily maintaining anonymity, which in all respects, quantitative data could not entirely catch. Qualitative data has a restricted number of participants distinguished to quantitative data, nevertheless, it can give a lot more precise and detailed experience, compared to numbers to symbolize and represent feelings.
Field observation research is an important part of my study for the sake of it allowing me to benefit from experiences and background about the people, occurrences, and method that I am studying. There is not another method that is nearly identical to being present and having a close-up lens on the normal everyday lives of these individuals. specifically, close-up on everyday life means that I can achieve very particularized and accurate data about people and their actions, possibly in greater detail than they can acquire if they apply any other method and is a wonderful method for accepting the role of social situations that help in shaping people’s lives and experiences. It also allows a better understanding of the difficulty and complexities of everyday life.
Field research can also bring to light aspects of people’s experiences and interactions of which we were not previously aware of before. This specifically is a huge strength of field research. With other methods, such as surveys, I absolutely can’t expect a participant to answer a question to what they do not know the reply to or give information of which they are not aware of a hundred percent. And because field research usually occurs over an extensive amount of time, facts that may not be immediately disclosed will later become disclosed over a period time.
The next part of the methodology is interviewing. The interview is a method at which an explicit, thorough conversation between me and the respondent come about, it’s where typically open-ended questions are asked by me to the respondent. I chose to do Interviews instead of surveys because it can be more useful than questionnaires because they would allow me to collect non-verbal data. For example, I can see whether specific questions make an interviewee nervous or if they struggle and clash to answer the questions. In brief, nonverbal signals such as lack of eye contact, fidgeting can give me answers. This kind of information could not be collected from a survey.
Another reason why interviews was a better fit for my study instead of surveys was because typically one might complete the questions without the help of a researcher which in this case would be me. However, when I conduct a live interview, the interviewee can ask for an explanation if he/she does not understand a question. additionally, I can ask follow-up questions to induce a more accurate response. eventually, this will lead to more definite and once again accurate data. It can bring up new points to question that can be related to my study which may appear during the progress of the discussion with the interviewee. Interviews can help me figure out what my respondents are thinking, how they make choices they do, how they operate, and what they think. To conclude my methods, interviews are a stronger tool than the survey for my research study. Some key concepts for my study are intimate, relationships, domestic, violence, social, factors.
In general, Research should, as much as possible, be based on participants voluntarily informed consent. This entails the accountability to clarify fully and meaningfully what the research is about and how it will be used. In my study, Participants will be knowledgeable of their rights to participate and deny participation if they wish to do so; understand the extent to which confidentiality will be maintained; be aware of the possible uses to where the data might be put, and in some circumstances, be warned of their right to withdraw from their commitment whenever. I may focus on topics that are taboo in society and it would be difficult for them to be honest about their responses to some of the questions present when a participant did not feel safe in deliberately knowing that their specifications are protected. there is no lawful agreement to Reveal information given relating to criminal activities unless the licit event or an investigation are in motion.
Therefore, it’s against the law to disclose any information except when requested by the police with regards to the certain information in question. respondents will be conscious of this before they reveal possibly incriminating details. I will use the “it was certain to happen” confidentiality where participants were at risk of harm from the get-go. And if I end up making the decision to break confidentiality it will be taken very seriously and will be only ever handled where this was seen to be obviously the most better interests of the person who was implicated. Privacy matters will be from the beginning of the research to the end of the research. There will be precautions put in place to guarantee privacy. The only quantity of confidential data that will be gathered for the research is the least possible amount I need to make an acceptable sampling of the respondents. Personally, distinguishable information will not be gathered nor retained.

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