Fahrenheit 451 Censorship Essay

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The book Fahrenheit 451 has been brought up many times with controversy towards the topics the books cover. Is this book suitable to read in schools or should Fahrenheit 451 be censored from students in school? This book should not be censored from students through their education. Students would miss out on reading a classic piece of literature that is highly praised in the science fiction community. Many books are banned from educational purposes from their supposedly corrupt contents; for example, the book may contain obscene language that some of the population might suspect the book to contain, but that is not reason for a book to be banned. Also, in Fahrenheit 451 the books plot contains such information to make the reader think about how their life would differ if the banning of all books or any form of writing truly did exist, in today’s education it has been strongly encouraged to see things at a different angle. What would be affected if this book was banned?
Fahrenheit 451 should be banned from educational purposes for a couple of reasons. The first reason is inappropriate language and other themes shown and described in the book, this may give the youth negative ideas. This book makes the reader think and if the reader think – NOT DONE. 3:00 AM IS CURRENTLY ONLY ALLOWNING ME TO TYPE/SPEAK IN FLUENT SARCASM. OOFIf Fahrenheit 451 was banned students would miss out on reading a classic, award winning, piece of literature. Fahrenheit 451 won the Prometheus Hall of Fame award in 1984. This award is made to honor classic liberations of fiction. Fahrenheit 451 in 1954, won is the Retro Hugo Award for Best Novel. Also, awarded for science fiction or fantasy stories of 40,000 words or more. Fahrenheit 451 is considered one of the best-known science fiction stories. A book with this much positive recognition and praise should not be restricted in schools, especially when it teaches the importance of knowledge & literature. This one book or any other book could be the one thing to change someone perspective on book entirely or even teach them to understand the importance of the vast numbers of literary pieces that exist.
Books are banned from educational purposes from their supposedly corrupt contents. Some books are banned for inappropriate topic such as suicide, rape, foul/obscene language, and the list goes on. Fahrenheit 451 does have accounts of cursing, violence, and using God’s name in vain. There is truly no reason for the book to be banned of this. Students, especially teens either use or are exposed to obscene language every day. Also, looking at some of the harder/emotional subjects listed earlier. It benefits to spread awareness on these subjects, closed minded parents or others reading Fahrenheit 451 will look at the book possibly wanting to shield their child from the world and think that reading about a subject such as overdosing will scar their child. This is not saying that a student in elementary school should be taught about suicide or abuse but when they hit middle school or high school it should be talked about. It should be taught to look for signs of depression or suicidal actions so that person can seek treatment to live a better life. Teens start getting into relationships in high school and possibly even middle school. It should be taught to look for signs of emotional or physical abuse on friends or loved ones to prevent the suffering of that person. Parents can try to shield their children from the world all they want but their child should have a sense of that reality before being thrown into the world at eighteen. Educating our students on these difficult subjects will give them a better understanding of some subjects though out their adolescents.
Fahrenheit 451 has the reader thinking through out the entirety of the piece. The books plot contains such information to make the reader think about how their life would differ if the banning of all books or any form of writing truly did exist, to only get information or entertainment through television broadcasts, shows, and movies. This topic was not touched in Fahrenheit 451, but children and teens would go through education with vocal education and tests, when looking deeper into the subject would the newer generations know how to read or write? Another possibility is not having a government issued sense of education at all, students would just become a younger generation only learning basic means of survival through today’s society through their parents/guardians. The new generations could go against the new laws in a need to know something more from a desire to obtain more knowledge on different subjects. The use of this book on education brings new thoughts to the front of a reader’s mind, seeing things at a different angle, possibly even changing their opinions on a subject. For example, there could be a student who dislikes reading, but upon reading Fahrenheit 451 learns a new respect for reading or now likes reading and finds new book to indulge in. Speaking to any student it is clear that most are not a fan of school, but how would children and teens react if school didn’t exist.
The book Fahrenheit 451 has been brought up many times with controversy towards the topics the books cover. Is this book suitable to read in schools or should Fahrenheit 451 be censored from students in school? This book should not be censored from students through their education. Students would miss out on reading a classic piece of literature that is highly praised in the science fiction community. Many books are banned from educational purposes from their supposedly corrupt contents; for example, the book may contain obscene language that some of the population might suspect the book to contain, but that is not reason for a book to be banned. Also, in Fahrenheit 451 the books plot contains such information to make the reader think about how their life would differ if the banning of all books or any form of writing truly did exist, in today’s education it has been strongly encouraged to see things at a different angle. Any possible reason for this book to be banned is miniscule compared to the reasons why Fahrenheit 451 should be shared through the education of students to give them a perspective in a new light. In conclusion, Fahrenheit 451 should not be banned and should be read/ used for education in students today.
Works Cited

“Board of Education, Island Trees Union Free School District No. 26 v. Pico by Pico.” Oyez, 7
Jan. 2019, www.oyez.org/cases/1981/80-2043.
“Butler v. Michigan.” Smith v. Robinson – Case Brief, 0AD,
Hall, Jennilynn. “Login.” Teen Ink, 4 Nov. 2015, www.teenink.com/opinion/current_events_politics/article/836649/Should-Fahrenheit-451-Be-Banned/.
“Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District.” Oyez, 7 Jan. 2019,
“Why Fahrenheit 451 should not be banned.” Topics, Sample Papers & Articles Online for Free,
21 Jul 2016, https://studymoose.com/why-fahrenheit-451-should-not-be-banned-essay

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