Before completing this week’s forum, please watch the following video(s) and/or

Before completing this week’s forum, please watch the following video(s) and/or read the following article(s):
How would you define ‘Netiquette’? Discuss a time that you feel you were a victim of poor ‘Netiquette.’ Discuss different times you, or someone close to you, could have, or have been, a victim of what you would describe as a ‘cybercrime.’ How did you, or they, react to this threat or offense?
*Explain and support your views with evidence. You must use at least two recently updated (recent) peer reviewed sources to support your essay, not including the text book. Copying and pasting will be reported and Turnitin will be used to analyze the originality of your work. APA in-text citations and references are required for any external and textbook material provided. Excessive quotations (more quotes than your own words) will not award points. Explain. Do NOT copy from the text in the instructions. Do not plagiarize. Be clear and avoid unnecessary wording as this will result in a lower grade.

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