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Home » This case is the most recent U.S. Supreme Court case, where a ruling was made, i

This case is the most recent U.S. Supreme Court case, where a ruling was made, i

    This case is the most recent U.S. Supreme Court case, where a ruling was made, in which the term, FAPE, Free Appropriate Public Education, was clarified. Perhaps you have heard about this case or other similar cases.
    Please read the case, uploaded in this unit, as well as the Questions and Answers document also uploaded in this unit.
    Using this information, and outside sources if you would like, answer the following questions about the term FAPE and what it means as a classroom teacher.
    1. In your own words, interpretations, thoughts, perfect world scenarios, what does FAPE, Free Appropriate Public Education, mean to you as a teacher?
    2. In the case of Amy Rowley, how did the courts define FAPE and what was the outcome of the case?
    3. Briefly summarize (3-5 sentences) what the Endrew F. case was about?
    4. In the Endrew F. case, what term did the lower courts use to define FAPE that was rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court?
    5. On March 22, 2017, what clarification did the Court give for what FAPE should provide?

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