Your essay should focus on the following: What you learned about each competency

Your essay should focus on the following:
What you learned about each competency presented this week
What new information you gathered from this week’s PPTs, videos, articles and assigned reading
What critical thinking took place for you and what new connections were made
Additional Assignment Requirements
You must follow the writing requirements provided for the course
Your introduction must include a thesis and a step-wise discussion plan
You must write in the third person
Each body paragraph will have appropriate analysis and discussions
You must use author information appropriately. Author information cannot stand alone
Use APA formatting, New Times Roman (12 pt) font, and one-inch margins
Assignments will be uploaded and use Turnitin an anti-plagiarism tool
Submit all papers to (Links to an external site.) to proactively check your work for plagiarism. This will assist you with grammar and citations as well.
Please include at least three references.
Essay Format; APA Formatting is required;
Running Head; Essay Title Page 1
Word Count
Reference(s) are required with each submission.
Your essay should be between 3-4 pages (double-spaced, 12 font) or 900-1200 words. Please cite your work. Please note: Essays will not be reviewed or graded after the fourth page.

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