Overview For this discussion, you will further explore ASSERTIVE STYLES OF COMMU

For this discussion, you will further explore ASSERTIVE STYLES OF COMMUNICATION for Healthcare providers and how the Code of Ethics guides professional practice. Nurses provide care to patients and their families on an ongoing basis. The Code of Ethics identifies that nurses have a duty to act with beneficence, nonmaleficence, fidelity, veracity, while providing patients with autonomy and justice.
1. Read/Watch the materials provided in Instructional Material (Chapter 12 pg. 275-279) and Learning Activities.
2. In your discussion post, please respond to the following:
How Can Nurses Be More Assertive?
What Are the Benefits of Assertiveness?
What Are My Basic Rights as a Person and as a Nurse?
How Can I Begin to Practice Assertive Communication?
What Are the Components of Assertive Communication?
3. A minimum of two (2) references must be included in this post. The provided Code of Ethics link and article do NOT count as one of the references but may be used to support information.
The length of the post is to be between 200-350 words
Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts.

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