Your task is to complete 6 responses in well-developed paragraphs (100-200 words

Your task is to complete 6 responses in well-developed paragraphs (100-200 words each) Divide the novel roughly into six sections. For each entry include the date and the pages read. Be sure not to simply summarize the novel as you can assume your reader is familiar with the literature. Topics for each paragraph: meaning of “Erebos” as well as “Hades,” “Eros”, “Galaris”, and other references to Greek and other mythical creatures in the book. Why did the author choose these names? What is the significance of them? What do they represent?
The author uses past tense for “reality” and then uses present tense for the parts of the novel that present scenes from the game. Why this switch in verb tense?
Consider the themes of peer pressure, addiction, cult mentality. What other themes are there in the book? What message does the author want to get across regarding these issues?
If you have a Facebook account, consider how Facebook “customizes” the ads that you see on the sidebar. How and why is this done? Does it concern you, or do you think it’s a good thing?
What, if anything, would you change or add to your response to Dave Gustafson’s “Cyberlife” after reading this book?
If you have read Shakespeare’s Macbeth, what parallels can you draw between the play Macbeth and this book?

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