Your research paper is to be prepared using the skills and format from your Info

Your research paper is to be prepared using the skills and format from your Information Literacy modules and assignments. Please review these instructions carefully. You can find this document to print under Files/Research Paper Assignment.
Please DO NOT complete and submit the Research Paper Assignment before you get feedback from your Research Log Assignment.
Research Paper: 50 points Dual Credit
(Satisfies the Information Literacy Requirement and B399 assignment)
All students must complete this assignment and submit on Canvas
When individuals or groups of individuals believe that society has failed to fulfill its social contract with them to ensure their receipt of justice, equal protection under the law, due process, or life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, they feel betrayed and disenfranchised by society.
Your assignment is to answer the question posed by Trevor Noah in his YouTube video—in your opinion, does one’s sense of social disenfranchisement caused by society’s failure to fully effect his or her social contract ever justify and warrant civil disobedience? That takes the form of violent demonstration, lawlessness, looting, or the destruction of public or private property? This is your thesis.
In answering this question, you must conduct research:
Define the concepts of “society” and “social contract.”
Provide pros and cons of civil disobedience
As part of your answer to the question, and in support of and conjunction with your overall thesis, you should focus on:
Comparing and contrasting examples of individuals and groups who believed, (rightly or wrongly), that their society had failed them in fully affecting their social contract and thereby disenfranchised them. (research)
These can include, but need not be limited to:
Antifa and Black Lives Matters, which protest police brutality and other racially motivated violence against people of color;
U.S. Civil Rights movement led by Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and others;
LGBT groups seeking sexual and gender equality;
MAGA supporters
Proud Boys, or any of the other extremist groups who, on January 6, 2021, seized the U.S. Capital asserting that a cabal of Satan worshipers dominate national politics
2020 presidential election was stolen, or which have a white supremacist or anti-white guilt agenda;
And the groups that sought political and social independence led by, for example, Mahatma Gandhi in seeking India’s independence from British rule or the U.S.’s Founding Fathers during the American Revolution.
Or another group that meets this criteria
Research Paper Requirements:
Watch the Trevor Noah video clip as soon as possible found in the Research Paper Module and also under Files/Research Paper Assignment.
Must be at least 5 pages in length (Title and References pages do not count.)
Font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing.
At least 5 academic sources found through library resources and databases, of which 2 must be peer-reviewed.
All in-text citations and references should follow APA format.
Submit your paper under this Canvas Assignment
Please contact Ms. Vincci Kwong if you have any questions regarding the paper’s formatting (i.e., citations, qualifying research sources, etc.). Contact Professor Shively regarding questions on the substance of your paper.
15 points on proper research: Ms. Kwong.
35 points on content, writing, punctuation, proper introduction, body, and summary: Professor Shively.

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