You will submit your introduction to the information assurance plan. This sectio

You will submit your introduction to the information assurance plan. This section of the plan will provide the overview of the current state of the organization. Provide a brief overview of the goals and objectives of your information assurance plan, including the importance of ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. What are the benefits of creating and maintaining an information assurance plan around those key concepts? Are there current protocols and policies the organization has in place? Additionally, what deficiencies exist within the organization’s current information assurance policies? What are the potential barriers to implementation of a new information assurance plan?
For additional details, please refer to the Final Project Document PDF and the Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.
Here are some hints to complete your Milestone One assignment:
Introduction: In this section describe the background of your Selected organization, including the following information:
Type of business
Size of Organization
IT Department
Information Security Department
Your Role in Information Security
Deficiencies within the organization’s current information assurance policies
And Answer all required questions listed in Milestone One Guideline and Rubric
I have attached some documents (Target Data Breach.) which will be helpful to complete the “Introduction to the Information Assurance Plan” document. Thank you.

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