WSLHD Health Services Plan – Emergency Medicine and Critical Care – Medical Sciences Assignment Help

Assignment Task :

What you are doing in this assessment

This assessment is asking you to develop a health service plan for a ‘specialist service stream’ within Western Sydney LHD. Specialist services have a particular focus, as distinct from primary care, community health and hospital medical care.

You need to write background sections, identifying current services levels, panning context, demand for new services, and scope out additional services that can be provided.


Step 1: Choose your specialist stream from the list. 

 Diagnostic Services

Women’s Health and Newborn

Emergency Medicine and Critical Care

Oral Health

Interventional Radiology


Medicine Specialties

Surgery and Anaesthetics



Step 2: Read the WSLHD health services plan

Step 3 

Write a draft of your introduction. Make sure you can clearly explain what the specialist service stream you have picked does, and the key issues facing the service. You will find these in the short document  

How to write the environmental scan section.

Paragraph/table 1 – Policy and planning framework

Find any plans that relate to your specialist service, and wider plans of the LHD including WSLHD Health Services Plan and WSLHD Strategic Plan. Put them in a table, or list. Write one or two sentences explaining how your plan fits in with these other plans.

Paragraph/ table 2 and 3 – demographics

Overall population, population breakdown by age (if relevant), population projections (how much will increase)

Paragraph/table – determinants of health

Identify the key target/vulnerable populations in the WSLHD? These will be listed in the overall WSLHD Health Services Plan. Also, good to identify key populations for your particular specialist service.



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