Write a policy brief describing how we should deal with a specific public health issue.

For this assignment, you will write a policy brief describing how we should deal with a specific public health issue. First, you will choose ONE of the following topics and read the associated Cochrane systematic review article. Then you will you will write a 2,000 word policy brief detailing what should be done to alleviate the health problem. NOTE: The systematic review article is your starting point. Its main purpose is to introduce you to the topic. You will need to look up other articles and data in order to understand this issue and make your policy recommendations.
1. Preventing injuries in problem drinkers
a. Article: Dinh-Zarr TB, Goss CW, Heitman E, Roberts IG & DiGuiseppi C. Interventions for preventing injuries in problem drinkers. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2004, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD001857. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001857.
2. Violence prevention program in schools
a. Article: Mytton JA, DiGuiseppi C, Gough D, Taylor RS & Logan S. School-based secondary preventions programmes for preventing violence. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD004606. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004606.pub2.
Your Policy Brief should include the following sections:
I. Title: A good title quickly communicates the contents/topic of the brief in a memorable way. The title aims to catch the attention of the reader and compel him/her to read on and so it needs to be descriiptive, relevant and catchy.
II. Executive Summary: This section should include an overview of the problem and the proposed policy action. The executive summary should convince the audience that the brief is worth reading. It is especially important for an audience that is short of time to clearly see the relevance and importance of the brief.
a. As such, your executive summary should include:
i. A descriiption of the problem addressed using statistics and data (that you find from different sources) to support your argument.
ii. A statement on why the current approach/policy option needs to be changed (you must use statistics and data to support your argument).
iii. A brief overview of your recommendations for action (i.e., what you believe should be done to solve the problem).
Before you begin writing, identify the different audiences your brief will target. You should mention the audiences in this section.
III. Context or Scope of Problem: The purpose of this section is to convince the target audiences that a current and urgent problem exists which requires them to take action.
a. As such, it should include the following:
i. A clear statement of the problem or issue (use statistics and data to support your argument).
ii. A short overview of the root causes of the problem (i.e., Why is this issue a problem? How did it become a problem?)
iii. A clear statement of the policy implications of the problem. You need to clearly establish the importance and policy relevance of the issue. Why do we need new policies in order to address this issue?
IV. Policy Alternatives: This section discusses the current policy approach and explains proposed options. It should be fair and accurate while convincing the reader why the policy action proposed in the brief is the most desirable. The aim is to detail shortcomings of the current approach or options being implemented and therefore, illustrate both the need for change and focus of where change needs to occur.
a. This section should include the following:
i. A short overview of all of the policy option(s) available.
ii. An argument illustrating why and how the current policy approach is failing or not working.
V. Policy Recommendations: This section contains the most detailed explanation of the concrete steps to be taken to address the policy issue. The aim is to provide a detailed and convincing proposal of your suggested policy approach.
a. As such this section should include the following;
i. A detailed breakdown of the specific practical steps or measures that need to be implemented.
ii. A closing paragraph re-emphasizing the importance of action.
VI. References: These should be reliable sources that you have used throughout your brief to guide your policy discussion and recommendations. Include a short bibliography or references slide at the end. You may also include a recommended reading section to lead your reader to additional information.
Do not plagiarize. You may not use quotes from any source, whether accurately cited or not. Everything should be in your own words to reflect your own understanding of the material. All information that you present that is not the product of your own original thought must be cited in the references.

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