Write a 3,500-word paper that critically discusses (with appropriate reference t

Write a 3,500-word paper that critically discusses (with appropriate reference to literature) ‘Contemporary Management Today’. Please address the following areas:
a) Management Strategy in Context: Drawing on your own professional experience and reading, critically analyses macro factors redefining contemporary management today. Identify key challenges and opportunities for management within your sector or region, discussing possible implications for management strategy. (750 words)
This will focus on Human resources Management in the government sector in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) – will upload all relevant documents. Hence, please find relevant articles and publications. b) Management Skills: Critically review new ideas about management practice today that highlight managerial skill sets. Discuss the emerging importance of managerial mindset alongside new developments in AI. (750 words)
Will be uploading the course material presentation for better understanding. This maybe applicable to the previous point.
c) Management Systems: Critically review current theory & research relating to change management practices and assess its relevance for contemporary managers. (750 words)
Based on the first two points and findings. d) Management Style: Critically consider the interplay between management style and organizational culture in enabling sustainable outcomes. (750 words)
e) Management Insights: Critically reflect on your journey in learning over this module and outline insights derived from the assignment, participation in lectures & reading. How will you apply this learning going forward? (500 words)
Paper format and style.
If assignment is case based then, • Executive summary
• Table of content
• Introduction
• Body of assignment (questions related to case need to be answered) • Conclusion / Recommendation if any
• References (in-text + citation) to be used.

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