Write a 3- to 5-page critical paper that incorporates at least two of the assign

Write a 3- to 5-page critical paper that incorporates at least two of the assigned works into your discussion. You may write about one of the following topics, or one of your own:
• Write a character analysis of the narrator in “The Yellow Wallpaper,” or Mrs. Waythorn in “The Other Two.”
• If you were a stranger to the United States, what would your overall impression be of our country, based on these works?
• Frost and Sandburg were both poets who focused on the modern American experience. Select either Frost or Sandburg and discuss the themes and topics approached in his poetry.
• Analyze “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” to help readers gain a better understanding of the narrator’s dilemma.
Please keep in mind that a critical paper is NOT simply plot synopsis. You are to write your paper as though your audience has read the work(s), and that this essay will help us better understand how to interpret it/them. The essay should be impersonal, with no references to yourself. Also remember to include and cite appropriate passages to support your points.it/them.

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