Write 4 Paragraphs

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PARAGRAPH 1: Buddhism

Respond in writing to the following questions after watching the video above.
Compare and contrast the teachings of Jesus and Buddha. What are some main differences between Buddhism and Christianity, Judaism, and Islam? How might Jesus have responded to the following line from the Buddha’s sermons: “… he in whom self has become extinct … will desire neither worldly nor heavenly pleasures”? How might the Buddha have responded to the following line from the Sermon on the Mount: “You must … be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect”? How would Augustine of Hippo respond to Buddhism’s Four Noble Truths? How would a Roman stoic respond to the Truths?
PARAGRAPH 2: The Medieval Church

Respond in writing to the questions below after watching the video above.
What powers and authority did the Church exercise in medieval society? Illustrate and provide support for the ways in which the Church played both a religious and secular role in medieval society.
PARAGRAPH 3: Sistine Chapel

“It is scarcely possible, even with hard work, to imitate what Michelangelo accomplished. The ceiling is a true beacon of our art, and it has brought such enlightenment to paint that it illuminated a world which for hundreds of years had been in a state of darkness.” Giorgio Vasari, Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects (1550, 1568)
In the quotation above, Vasari articulates a concept of artistic progress with reference to Michelangelo’s work on the Sistine Chapel. How did the ceiling exemplify Varari’s claims about Michelangelo’s accomplishments? Provide specific examples. Define Neoplatonism. From the text, how were Michelangelo and other Renaissance artists influenced by Neoplatonism? Provide specific examples.

PARAGRAPH 4: The Renaissance and Science

Respond in writing to the following questions.
How was Renaissance art informed by the sciences, and how were the sciences informed by Renaissance art? You can provide examples from either the Italian Renaissance or Northern Renaissance or both. Please provide at least three specific examples.Discuss what types of damages Albert may claim
Can you help me understand this Law question?

Albert is a short-order chef and has always dreamed of owning his own burger joint. After years of waiting, the opportunity arrived when he heard that Burgers-R-Us, a national fast food chain, was planning to open a franchise in his town of Freedonia Heights, in the state of New Freedonia.

After several months of negotiations, Albert has signed a contract with Burgers-R-Us, and is now the proud franchisee of a store that is scheduled to open on the second Friday in January.

In preparation for the opening, Burgers-R-Us has furnished Albert’s store with kitchen equipment, tables and seating, lighting and signage for inside and outside the store. Albert has purchased aprons, hats and latex gloves ($3,347.68) for his staff and “Grand Opening” banners for outside ($1,026.59). He placed advertisements in the localPennysaver magazine and in the Heights Gazette to hire cooks, cashiers, waiters and cleaning staff ($1,375); the ads are running for four consecutive weeks. He hasn’t hired anyone yet, but has interviewed several potential candidates. Albert also gave BRU a deposit of $17,000 to secure his rights.

In consultation with his accountant, Albert has projected that in his first six months, he will have an operating loss of $23,000, but that by the end of his first year he will show operating profits of $78,000 for the year and that he will be profitable each year thereafter. These estimates are based on what Albert has been able to find in newspaper articles for other types of franchises in other cities. He has no specific numbers relating to his own franchise.

Six weeks prior to the scheduled grand opening, Burgers-R-Us notifies Albert that new market research has shown that the franchise is not likely to be successful in Freedonia Heights and the franchise contract is hereby cancelled. Outraged, Albert sues Burgers-R-Us in New Freedonia state court for breach of contract.

Discuss what types of damages Albert may claim, which types is he likely to be awarded and what amounts he is likely to be awarded. Be sure to thoroughly explain your answers.

An IRAC essay is not necessary.Hate Group: nursing assignment help services
I’m studying for my Social Science class and need an explanation.

Hate Group
What criteria should be present in order for a group to be considered a “hate” group or a terrorist organization? Is it proper to label a group as a “hate” group simply because its members advocate a political opinion? What if the group does not itself engage in violence but supports another that does through fund-raising or recruiting?

In your classroom reading this week, you learned that the FBI considers the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) to be a domestic terror organization. Do you agree with this assessment? Why or why not? In order to discuss this question, you will need to research the ALF’s activities as well as the FBI’s position.

Recent years have seen a rise in domestic terror incidents. Fortunately, many of them have been interrupted before any damage was done, such as the attempted bombing in New York’s Times Square. These incidents have brought attention to the difficulty of identifying potential individual terrorists. Most recently, a group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has been recruiting individuals from western countries, including the United States, to join their fight. Officials are concerned that in addition to recruiting people to travel to the Middle East to join their fight, ISIS might be persuading Americans to commit acts of terror at home.

For this final part of the week’s discussion, examine the methods that ISIS uses to gain new recruits. Are any particular people more vulnerable to being recruited? Why do people living comfortable, safe lives in America and other western countries volunteer to give up those comforts in order to travel to Syria to fight for this group? What can be done to prevent the ISIS and other radical groups from recruiting new members?

APA citations requiredPSY 6510 create an annotated outline: nursing assignment help
I’m working on a Psychology question and need guidance to help me study.


Before beginning to write your literature review, it is essential to develop an outline. The outline will show the organization of your ideas and the order in which you plan to present them. Note the references you currently have for each topic and the topics that need further research before you write your final paper.

Create an outline of the ideas that you have gathered so far. This outline will serve as the structure for your paper. Therefore, it must be well organized and logical. With the assistance of your instructor, you will revise the outline as necessary for better structure or to include necessary but missing points in the argument or supportive research.

Included in this week’s Books & Resources is an example of an outline of literature related to programs on bullying in schools. Your literature review may be organized differently, as it will relate to the particular problem you are studying and its important points and aspects. You will also need to note at least three references for each subtopic you list. Submit your outline, along with a reference list that reflects the research you noted in your outline. Your faculty member will guide you concerning any improvements you need to make in the structure or content of your outline.

Length: 1-2 pages

Attaching reference page of 40 articles to be used for the outline

Topic is: How effective is sex offender treatmentEnglish Homework
I don’t understand this English question and need help to study.

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Please click HERE to run your paper through Turnitin to check for grammar and plagiarism errors prior to submitting for a grade. Keep in mind that any work submitted to the Check Your Work folder WILL NOT be graded or even seen by your teacher. This folder is used solely as a place for you to check your drafts and get feedback before it’s graded. To access the feedback, go to Assessments, Assignments, and click on View Feedback.

Select ONE of the following prompts. Be sure to follow the directions.

Prompt 1: Short Story

Create a short story using all you have learned so far in the unit. Include archetypes, literary elements, figurative language, and academic vocabulary words you learned in the course to shape your story. What is the setting, plot, characters, etc. How will you use figurative language such as metaphor and alliteration? What type of characters will you include? Ensure that you also demonstrate a clear point-of-view such as omniscient, limited omniscient, third-person, narrative, or first person, within your story.

Your short story should include a title, and be a minimum of 1 page and a maximum of 5 pages in length. Please submit a typed paper, using Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, and double-spaced lines (Please space your lines).

Prompt 2: Literary Service Announcement (LSA) Assignment

You have had a relationship with archetypes since a young age—Carl Jung might argue this is true since your conception. In fact, many children’s cartoons use archetypes as part of their humor (think of Tweedy Bird and Sylvester, Tom and Jerry, or The Simpsons). Throughout this unit, you have identified common archetypes across ancient and modern texts and visuals.
Choose the ONE archetype you most relate to, recognize, and/or like.
Create a public service announcement that educates your audience on the role of the archetype as well as persuades them that your archetype is one of the greatest—most common, most powerful, most dynamic (changes the most), most unique, etc.
The guidelines for the LSA are below. I look forward to your LSA! Be as creative as you want!


In your LSA you should…
inform the reader of the common uses of the archetype.
give examples. include content that is developed and shows mature thought. ensure ideas are organized strategically. ensure grammar and spelling are polished.
ensure word choice is purposeful. ensure rhetoric is used effectively. ensure presentation is geared towards audience. ensure excellent use of creativity in some form to sell your archetype. use creative elements (examples include images, music, modern day connections, performance).
Pay attention to Length
Videos must be 30 seconds long. Can go up to 1:00. No longer than 1:00. Include words/captions. Power points must be 8-10 slides (not including the title and reference slides)–with main points bulletted on each slide, and 25-50 words per slide.

Please click HERE to run your paper through Turnitin to check for grammar and plagiarism errors prior to submitting for a grade. Keep in mind that any work submitted to the Check Your Work folder WILL NOT be graded or even seen by your teacher. This folder is used solely as a place for you to check your drafts and get feedback before it’s graded. To access the feedback, go to Assessments, Assignments, and click on View Feedback.

Legends Essay

When you make a claim in an essay, you express an idea or opinion about information in a text. But an effective essay does more than state ideas and opinions. To persuade your readers to accept your point of view, you’ll need to support your claim with evidence, including facts, details, examples, or logical reasons. Complete the attached worksheet from lesson 4 to practice using textual evidence. You may use the ideas from the worksheet for your essay. Submitting the worksheet is optionaland will not count against your grade; but will help you with understanding how to use textual evidence.

Please read the question to be answered carefully–this assignment is not asking you to write about The Legend of King Arthur. The prompt for the essay is below:

The legend of King Arthur is well-known in literature. Based on Unsolved Mysteries of History, there is little to suggest it is true. Do you think it is important for people to believe in legends likeKing Arthur even if there is little evidence to support them? Why or why not? Write a short (3 paragraphs) explanatory essay stating your opinion. Justify your opinion and conclusions with relevant textual evidence (quotes or paraphrased ideas from sources) and background knowledge. Remember to use relevant vocabulary from the text in your essay.


Legends Textual Evidence Worksheet.docx (19.86 KB)
Legends Textual Evidence Worksheet.pdf (102.83 KB)

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