
You are a nurse working the day shift and have been assigned to five patients. One of your patients is an 89-year-old male with a stage III decubitus ulcer to his coccyx. The healthcare provider is planning to discharge him to a long-term facility today and would like you to discuss wound healing with him and his wife. Please use the following prompts to guide your analysis, and use evidence from the literature to support your answers.
1.Distinguish between the main types of healing: first-intention and second-intention.
2.Discuss at least three factors that can delay wound healing, and identify some strategies to improve wound healing.
3.Explain the four phases of wound healing, identifying the role that the extracellular matrix plays in the process.
Introduce main elements and concerns and identify the pathology. ï‚· Use the associated questions to guide your paper and explain the pathology in the development of a plan of care. ï‚· Explain the role patient-care technologies (i.e., point of care testing, computer provider order entry, bar-coding medication administration, EMR/EHR) in caring for the individual(s). ï‚· Apply critical thinking in analyzing and interpreting the data. ï‚· Include evidence to support your analysis of the case. ï‚· Write clearly and concisely, following standard rules of grammar.
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as at least a 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least two peer-reviewed sources cited in APA format.

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