Word count: 1000-1500 Only course-assigned material should be used in respondin

Word count: 1000-1500
Only course-assigned material should be used in responding to the prompt, unless otherwise instructed. Please cite your sources for all words, information, and ideas (videos, readings, weekly notes, etc.). Please use quotation marks when you are using someone else’s exact words. If you are paraphrasing, paraphrase completely, and cite your source. Your citation should include the author’s name and the page number, if there is one. You do not need to have a Works Cited page, as all sources used should be those that were provided to you.
Late Policy: All exams are due by 2:30 pm PST Saturday, July 30th with no exception. Late exams will automatically receive an “F” grade.
Final Exam Prompt:
Directions: The prompt requires you to take a definitive stance on the issue and arrange your answer around that stance. Make sure to choose (and cite!) evidence from the course lectures and the readings. You should include at LEAST six (6) pieces of evidence (i.e. citations) for your response: examples from three separate lectures and three separate readings.
Your answer must be answered at a maximum of 1500 words and formatted according to standard MLA (or Chicago), 12-point font, double spaced formatting.
You will be graded on how completely you address the prompt, whether or not you use the appropriate amount of citations, your analysis of chosen evidence, and the logic of your argument. Whichever side of the discussion you choose to represent is valid as long as you defend it with solid evidence and argument!
Prompt: The term “medieval” has come to have an almost totally negative connotation in the modern day. The terms “medieval torture” or “medieval conditions” reflect this popular image of the Middle Ages. Discussions surrounding the treatment of groups outside the “normal” bounds of accepted society or the over-reliance on classical authors in fields such as medicine, for example, leave many regarding this period as backward, superstitious, and stagnant. Analyzing the information you’ve been presented over the last five weeks, discuss the historical validity of this perception, making an argument as to whether or not it is valid by considering three specific examples from the medieval period.

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