Why would your offering be viewed as valuable to the public?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a marketing project and need a sample draft to help me learn.Marketing Project Stages 1 & 2 will be your Midterm assignment. Marketing ProjectThe format must be similar to a business plan of a business brochure. So, you need to adhere to the following guidelines:Use the questions as sub-headings.
Begin your response directly under the corresponding sub-heading.
If the question is worth 2 points, then write at least two sentences in response to the question. The same rule applies if the questions are worth 3 or 5 points. The points allotted will determine how many sentences need to be written.
Respond in full sentences, including sections of the question in your response.
Bullets, points, numbers, or dashes are not necessary when using subheadings.
Stage 1: DEVELOPING A PRODUCT OF SERVICE THAT FULFILLS A NEED (25 pts)Answering the Question: 22 pointsOrganization, presentation, and citing APA where applicable: 3 pointsANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS:What is the idea, product, or service you plan to offer? Idea. product or service must be clearly explained with details. 2ptsDescribe the item you are planning to offer to the public. The item was clearly described, and it is practical, logical, relevant, and possible. 5ptsExplain the two main things that make your offering unique. The student explained the two main things that make the offering unique clearly. 5ptsIs the offering a new product, idea, or service? The student clearly explained the reason why the offering would be considered a new product with references and examples. 2ptsIs the offering an improvement on an existing, product, service, or idea? The student explained and provided reasons why the offering would be considered an improvement on an existing, product, service, or idea. Examples were supported, cited with references. 3ptsWhy would your offering be viewed as valuable to the public? The student wrote from the consumer’s point of view describing why the consumer would view the item as valuable. The student cited examples given to support their claim. 5ptsStage 2: DEVELOPING A MARKETING PLAN (25 pts)Answering the Question: 22 pointsOrganization, presentation, and citing APA where applicable: 3 pointsANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS:What type of business are you? The type of business as categorized by the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) was clearly described, and a logical reason for the choice was given in no less than two (2) sentences. 2ptsWhat are your company’s goals and objective?At least three (3) company’s goals and one (1) objective were clearly stated, in no less than five (5) sentences. 5ptsWhat are you going to do to accomplish your goal and objectives? Explained how they planned to accomplish the goals and objective stated in the above question in no less than five (5) sentences. 5ptsCreate a SWOT analysis to determine the internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. 10pts (Table form, see the announcement or page 31 in textbook)Create a logical SWOT analysis in table form to determine the internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. Similar to the Table in the announcement or on page 31 in the textbook. 10ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of CriterionWhat is the idea, product, or service you plan to offer?• Respond in full sentences, including sections of the question in your response.2 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescribe the item you are planning to offer to the public.The item was clearly described, and it is practical, logical, relevant, and possible. 5pts• Respond in full sentences, including sections of the question in your response.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplain the two main things that make your offering unique.The student explained the two main things that make the offering unique clearly. 5pts• Respond in full sentences, including sections of the question in your response.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIs the offering a new product, idea, or service?The student clearly explained the reason why the offering would be considered a new product with references and examples. • Respond in full sentences, including sections of the question in your response.2 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIs the offering an improvement on an existing, product, service, or idea?The student explained and provided reasons why the offering would be considered an improvement on an existing, product, service, or idea. Examples were supported, cited with references. 3pts• Respond in full sentences, including sections of the question in your response.3 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWhy would your offering be viewed as valuable to the public?The student wrote from the consumer’s point of view describing why the consumer would view the item as valuable. The student cited examples given to support their claim. 5pts• Respond in full sentences, including sections of the question in your response.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStage 1 Organization• Use the questions as sub-headings.• Begin your response directly under the corresponding sub-heading.• If the question is worth 2 points, then write at least two sentences in response to the question. The same rule applies if the questions are worth 3 or 5 points. The points allotted will determine how many sentences need to be written.• Bullets, points, numbers, or dashes are not necessary when using subheadings.1.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStage 1 MechanicsNo spelling or grammatical errors.1.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWhat type of business are you?The type of business as categorized by the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) was clearly described, and a logical reason for the choice was given in no less than two (2) sentences. 2pts• Respond in full sentences, including sections of the question in your response.2 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWhat are your company’s goals and objective?At least three (3) company’s goals and one (1) objective were clearly stated, in no less than five (5) sentences. Respond in full sentences, including sections of the question in your response. 5pts5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWhat are you going to do to accomplish your goal and objectives?Explained how they planned to accomplish the goals and objective stated in the above question in no less than five (5) sentences. Respond in full sentences, including sections of the question in your response. 5pts5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreate a SWOT analysis to determine the internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. 10pts (Table form, see the announcement or page 31 in textbook)Create a logical SWOT analysis in table form to determine the internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. Similar to the Table in the announcement or on page 31 in the textbook. 10pts10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStage 2 Organization• Use the questions as sub-headings.• Begin your response directly under the corresponding sub-heading.• If the question is worth 2 points, then write at least two sentences in response to the question. The same rule applies if the questions are worth 3 or 5 points. The points allotted will determine how many sentences need to be written.• Bullets, points, numbers, or dashes are not necessary when using subheadings.1.5 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStage 2 MechanicsNo spelling or grammatical errors1.5 pts

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