Why is this information relevant in discussing the county’s political leanings?

Hi, I have 2 different assignments but they’re the same subject and amount of pages but just different topics. The first assignment prompt is: “In a response of 1 full typed page or longer, please respond to the following prompt based on the first chapter of the text Staten Island: Conservative Bastion in a Liberal City by Daniel C. Kramer and Richard M. Flanagan:

New York City as a whole has a rich political history, this includes the “forgotten borough” of Staten Island. Within the first chapter of the text, the authors Kramer and Flanagan discuss the demographics and population of Staten Island. How does this information effect the county’s political leaning in terms of political parties? Why is this information relevant in discussing the county’s political leanings? Does this effect the political culture in Staten Island? Does Staten Island’s rich historical background effect the political standpoint of the Island’s current demographics? How would knowing all of this information differ to boroughs like Brooklyn or the Bronx?”
The second assignment prompt is: “Please respond to the following prompt in a response of 1 typed page or longer. The prompt is as followed:

In her article, Author Sara Snyder references the supreme court. She references that according to the supreme court, “deadly force is only used [by police officers] in cases where it is ‘necessary to prevent escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious injury to the officer or others.’” How does the author apply this quotation in regards to the Garner case she is discussing? How did this court case influence the way police officers are held accountable for their actions while performing arrests and other duties? How did the executive order by Governor Andrew Cuomo effect voting in New York as a whole?

Use the text to help prove what it is you are discussing. Engage with the reading.”
I will send bot of the readings in the attached files.

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