Which one of those techniques will you apply to your own presentation?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a management question and need support to help me learn. Read the chapterChoose a TED talk that is 10 minutes or less in length. The TED talk can be on any topic as long as it is personally meaningful. During the Ted Talk, the person must be speaking in front of an audience. After you select the video, watch it. Finally, answer the following FIVE questions about the video you watched.(min 100 words for each question)Describe the purpose of the TED talk in one sentence
Consider the speaker(s). What 3 techniques held your attention during the presentation? Explain your answer.
Which one of those techniques will you apply to your own presentation? Explain your answer and use examples to illustrate your response. Specifically – you should share the following in your response for #5:
Technique Utilization. Drawing from your response to #4, describe where you would use the technique(s) during your presentation. That is, would you use the technique(s) at the beginning of your presentation? During the middle of the presentation? At the end of the presentation?
Rationale. Why do you believe using the technique(s) would make the presentation more engaging for your audience? Provide an example to explain your answer.

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