Which of these two positions– moral realism or moral anti-realism–seems correct to you?

The essay should be based on a textbook.
Required Textbook
Wolff, Jonathan. An Introduction to Moral Philosophy, Second Edition, W.W. Norton & Co.,
2021. ISBN: 9780393428179
See questions below
Choose one of the following sets of questions dealing with the assigned
readings, and provide a 1-2 page answer. No late thinking pieces accepted.
To receive full credit for a thinking piece, you must address the assigned
question; show that you have done the required reading; and it must be at
least one page long.
You are not required to use resources other than the textbook to complete
this assignment. However, if you choose to use other sources, please cite
them properly using either the MLA or APA citation style. If you cite the
textbook, you need only include the page number. I will assume the
citation is from the textbook unless you provide information about the
other source(s) you used.
1. In Chapter 3 of your textbook, Dr, Wolff asks if morality is something
stable and permanent that we discover (moral realism)—or
something that humans invent (moral anti-realism). Which of these
two positions– moral realism or moral anti-realism–seems correct to
you? Explain why.
2. In Chapter 5, your textbook’s author notes that some critics of
natural law theory claim it commits the is/ought fallacy (p.116).
Explain why you think natural law theory either does or does not
derive an ought (a value judgment) from an is (a fact)?

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