When evaluating health issues within my community, I’ve noticed that there is a

When evaluating health issues within my community, I’ve noticed that there is a lack of mental healthcare for children. With the COVID pandemic fluctuating and affecting social standards, it is safe to assume that all individuals are affected especially children. In Kenner, Louisiana, there is such a lack of resources that it is almost critical. There is only one school counselor who tends to the entire parish, frequent exposure to the virus results in quarantining on a grade level status, there are more reports of children acting out, and all these issues only increase anxiety and stress for the kids. It is my hope to address the lack of mental healthcare in my community when it comes to dealing with anxiety. I plan to limit my area to my apartment complex which only consists of 6 buildings with 12 apartments per building. Approximately ¼ of these households have at least one child. I plan to gather information regarding multiple options for counseling while hosting an event at the park nearby where the children can socialize, be active, learn about mental health, and express their concerns/needs with volunteer counselors in a 1:1 setting. It is my hope that the children in my community will understand that their mental health is important, but I also hope to educate the children along with their families as well.
I will target the middle school aged children and mainly focus on their anxiety caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Course Objectives achieved through Project:
1) Identify key components, core functions, and the role of the professional in community health.
2) Understand the interaction of the community member and patient or client, the health of the patient or client, the influence of the home, health care, and community environment.
3) Describe the major role professional play as partners with patients or clients in health promotion. 4) Conduct a community health assessment.
Chapter Objectives achieved through Project:
Chapter 2
1) Describe community member role in the community.
Chapter 4
1) Identify physical, biological, chemical, and gaseous hazards to human health. 2) Describe health effects of environmental conditions on human populations. 3) Apply principles of ecology to promote the health of communities.
Chapter 6
1) Understand a framework for empowering communities through building relationships among community members.
2) Develop an understanding as an important concept in the development of relationships and removing barriers to community partnerships.
Chapter 13
1) Plan a community-based program that includes:
Goals and behavioral objectives
A plan with specific actions for achievement of goals
Resources needed to accomplish the plan and available community assets
Chapter 14
1) Suggest strategies to the community for implementation of a health program. 2) List specific interventions for population-based health program.
Final Project Overview
This overview should be read first to give you a big picture of what is expected from the student.
The project process will introduce you to the student’s role in planning a program to improve a community’s health. The student is performing an assessment, researching a community, and creating an education project for the community. This project will not actually be carried out or run in the community, the project is being developed for this course. Many times, as students we provide health teaching. A program could be proposed as a one-time presentation (or event) or can be carried out over time. Obviously, for this course, it is intended to be a one-time presentation (or event). Your goal needs to be documented and attainable and not hypothetical or fictional. Such as: based on your research the community you have focused on has a high statistic of vaping in your adults, as well as made several observations through your windshield survey, your project will be directed towards the population you are educating as well the location that will target the largest audience. This may be a high school, community center or wherever you have located to educate the most people possible. This document is an “overview” only; please refer to the actual assignment for details.
Windshield Survey Tool
Do not submit your windshield survey tool. This is your tool. (see week 3 FP part 1 instructions for tool)
The student must assess to be able to intervene appropriately. The Windshield Survey will guide you through the assessment of a defined community. It is not possible for one person to assess a major city (i.e. New Orleans, Los Angeles, Boston, etc.) therefore, set your boundaries to a section of your city. (1 Mile Radius) NEVER place yourself in danger, use only a community in which you feel safe. It is helpful to invite a friend or family member along with you on the driving assessment. Allow your companion to drive while you make notes and drawings and perhaps take pictures of your chosen community. A drawn map will help you sort through the possible problems as well as resources. Include street names, building names, housing areas, and so on.
You can use pictures, fliers, advertisements, etc. in your Part 3 Power Point Presentation to add interest. This is a good time to gather such materials.
Final Project Part 1 – Health Hazards and Solutions Part 1 of the project is submitted through Turnitin.
After a complete survey (assessment) of the community using the windshield survey tool, the student will determine the highest risk of illness or injury to persons within the community. Use your research to guide you please do not create a problem. Give thought to an attainable goal. Contemplate what types of intervention(s) would best bring about the goal (Teaching is an intervention also!). Begin thinking about the various supplies, etc. that might be needed for the intervention(s).

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