Error: Unable to write to temporary file. When did it occur? - Ace Assignment

When did it occur?

Recap the coaching session
-Where did the session occur?
-When did it occur?
-Who was being coached?
-Who was the coach?
-Summarize the conversation. Who said what?
Any key details about the relationship or interaction that need to be recorded? (e.g., impressions, difficulties, opportunities, things that were missed, things to explore in the future, boundaries, parameters, etc.).
-Prioritize two key objectives for the coaching process and analyze why those objectives are important to the coachee
-Evaluate the personal and professional improvements the coachee hopes to make after the objectives are achieved
-Clarify the action steps that you (as coach) need to complete prior to the next coaching session. For example, what information do you need to research? What resources do you need to locate? What follow ups do you need to complete? What skills do you need to refine?

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