What were the parts of the class that you liked the most?

Critical Thinking in Psychology: Final Reflections and Inventions
work process whiteboard
Learning Goal
The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize what you have learned about identifying deception in others, in yourself, in the media, and in your decision-making processes. Your newfound toolkits for making well-informed decisions with emotional intelligence will allow you to recognize the errors in human reasoning.
This assignment allows you a chance to slow down and evaluate all of the information you have learned in our time together. Upon thoughtful reflection, you will have the opportunity to practice predicting when you will apply your newfound wisdom in your daily life.
Write a 3-page TOTAL maximum double-spaced reflection paper responding to both Part A and Part B.  (Total means Part A and Part B combined.)
Note that in Part A, you can either choose from Prompt Option 1 or Prompt Option 2.
Final Exam Paper Prompt:
Part A: Reflect
black hand journaling
Prompt Option 1 (answer each question)
How did you feel enrolling in this class? What was it like to receive the orientation video prior to the first day?
What were the parts of the class that you liked the most? What parts did you like the least and what are some suggestions for improvement?
What is your biggest “take-away” from the class? What do you think will be most memorable?
Choose 2 of your discussion posts to reflect on. Why did these posts interest you and how do they relate to your everyday contexts? What did you learn from these posts?
Prompt Option 2 (answer each question)
Write a eulogy for your funeral.
Include 2 lessons you have learned from this class in your eulogy.
Instructions Part A:
Choose from Prompt Option 1 or Prompt Option 2 (not both). Reflect and write your responses based on the elements listed above.
Part B: Invent
Woman cutting her own branch she’s sitting on
More than anything, I want to know that you know that you can create tools for yourself for many decades to come, long after you’ve left Cerritos College. Your Self-Care Basket is one tool that I am proud of you for creating. Yet, we often forget to use the tools from our past–even when we need them the most! (I’m speaking from my own experience.)
Recall the lecture on Tools when Senge wrote “Herein lies the core learning dilemma that confronts organizations: we learn best from experience but we never directly experience the consequences of many of our most important decisions” (from The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization).
Now that you’ve had practice in creating tools for critical thinking and emotional intelligence, you are ready to evolve your practice. In this section, you will invent a system for actually using your various tools and directly experiencing the consequences of your most important decisions. In your system, include a method for recognizing and responding to ALL the following (based on our course module Units 1-4):
Module Unit 1: Identifying deception from others
Logical fallacies
Persuasive language
Module Unit 2: Identifying self-deception
Analyzing arguments with valid and invalid types of evidence
Module Unit 3: Psychological tricks
Stereotype threat
Fact checking models
Module Unit 4: Decision-making & ethics
Informed consent
dominoes falling into each other
How to Create a System:
Human bodies have intelligent systems. Just think of the cardiovascular system: it pumps blood –> this blood nourishes the brain –> the brain allows you to read this sentence. Systems have more than one element; they organize multiple parts. The first element of your system should jump start the next element, like a domino effect. Each system should have a minimum of 3 steps in your sequence.
System Example
A system of 3 steps for Module Unit 1 Identifying Deception
“Red Herring example: My brother one night was supposed to wash the dishes and didn’t wash them so to try to get my mom to not notice he tried to change the subject to make it about me not going to class that day. Step 1) I asked him what evidence he had to prove that I did not go to class. Step 2) I redirected the conversation to the fact that he did not wash the dishes. Step 3) After seeing that he was not going to own up to it, I accepted the red herring and moved on with the conversation.”
A system of 6 steps for Module Unit 3 Psychological Tricks:
“When I see my grandmother during Christmas gatherings and she makes a sexist, stereotypical comment toward women who don’t have children, I will use the following system: Step 1) take 10 deep breaths to calm myself down, Step 2) quietly pull out my phone, Step 3) use the 3-Step Fact Check Model to find about the reasons why women choose to not have children, Step 4) present to her the facts, Step 5) remind her that feelings are not facts and share my perspective with her, Step 6) practice the RAIN meditation when I get home because Grandma stresses me out.”
Instructions Part B:
Invent and write one system (3 steps minimum) per course unit based on the modules listed above.
By the end of Part B, there should be 4 systems total (1 system for each learning module).
Part C: Grammar, Spelling, and Flow (4 pts)
eraser from impossible to possible
See the Rubric to format your paper. On mobile devices, the Rubric is at the bottom of this page (“+ Rubric” button). On computers, the Rubric is at the top right: click the 3 vertical buttons for “Show Rubric.”
Enjoy your learning process!

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