Error: Unable to write to temporary file. What were the causes for the development of boy-wife among the Azande? - Ace Assignment

What were the causes for the development of boy-wife among the Azande?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me two questions. Each answer be approximately 400-450 words but you can write more. Your answer must show familiarity with the readings. Use examples as needed:1. In the article “Sexual Inversion among the Azande,” British anthropologist Evans-Pritchard writes about a marriage custom called boy-wife among the Azande that was practiced before British colonialism. What is a boy-wife? What were the causes for the development of boy-wife among the Azande? What caused the custom of boy-wife to disappear?2. In the article Sambia Sexual Culture, anthropologist Gilbert Herdt explains how the Sambians of Papua New Guinea create their worldview through direct and indirect exchanges of semen. The pandanus trees, breastmilk, ancestors, and semen ingestion by young boys are all connected in constructing this world view. What are direct and indirect semen exchanges? Explain how these direct and indirect exchanges socially reproduce Sambian society.

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