What specific parts of our class (activities, discussions, and/or readings) do you think has impacted this change in your understanding?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.As we enter the final unit of ENC 1101, it is a good time to consider the ways in which your ideas about writing have changed throughout this semester. For this assignment, respond to the following:Chapter 5 “Writing and Rhetoric as a Field of Study” provides several ideas/concepts that are important to the field of Writing and Rhetoric. Identify at least one of these ideas/concepts that you more fully understand now than you did at the beginning of ENC 1101. What is this idea, and what specifically do you understand now that you did not before? What specific parts of our class (activities, discussions, and/or readings) do you think has impacted this change in your understanding?
During Week 1 of our course, you shared your personal perspectives on writing in “Reflecting on my ideas about writing.” Specifically, you responded to a series of 10 questions. Look back over these 10 responses. Identify at least 2 specific ideas you had about writing at the start of the semester that is different now. What was your original idea about writing and what specifically has changed about this idea? What specific parts of our class (activities, discussions, and/or readings) do you think has impacted these changes in your perspectives about writing?
You must respond to both to receive full credit. Organize your response in a way that makes it easy for me to understand. Your total response should be at least 300 words.Step 1: Post your answers the interview questions: In your own words, how do you define writing? What is writing?
What do you think makes a piece of writing really good?
When you have been given a writing assignment for school, how do you typically get started? What do you do when you are writing and you get stuck?
Think about the times in which you have received feedback on your writing. Has this generally been a positive experience for you? Why or why not?
What is a career goal you have, and how do you see writing fitting into this career?
How often do you look at what others have written and think about why their writing works well or doesn’t work well? What kind of writing do you typically like to read?
What kind of writing do you typically do on your phone? On your computer? With pen and paper? How are these different for you? Which do you prefer?
Think about the different ways in which you change your communication practices based on who you are around. This might include speaking/writing more or less formally or speaking/writing in a different language altogether. What are some examples of times in which the context you are in impacts the way that you communicate? For example, do you communicate differently with your family than you do with your friends? How is your communication at home different than it is at school and/or at work? Do you find some forms of speaking/writing to be more or less acceptable in the various parts of your life?
What is one of your strengths as a writer?
What is one of your struggles as a writer?
Interview questions1. Writing refers to the act of using symbols like alphabets, numbers, spaces, and punctuations to communicate ideas and thoughts that are readable comprehensively.2. Correct sentence structures, minimal grammatical errors, and fluency of articulated ideas.3. I start by reviewing the question a couple of times to understand it better. Next would be to refer to my notes on where the assignment has been tested. 4. I would say, often, it has been a positive experience because I have practiced writing for a couple of years, which makes it easy for me to articulate my ideas comprehensively. However, those few times happen once in a while where I get negative feedback that helps me know my weak point and work towards being better and not repeating the same mistakes.5. One of my career goals is to have a job in IT. Writing is of great importance as it will ensure that I am free from grammatical errors and can be understood easily by others.6. I try to read at least one novel a month during my free time. It helps to sharpen my skills and learn better how to write fluent, grammatically correct structures. It also makes me think about how they came about perfecting their writing skills. At times I get to read documents that are not grammatically correct, and instead of judging them quickly, I try to understand the reason behind them.7. I am intrigued mostly by narrative and descriptive writing styles. I like to conduct thorough research on specific topics before jolting down my findings. 8. The target audience affect significantly how I speak or write. Some of the factors I consider are age, background, education levels, my relationship with them, and the target message. For example, when I am with my friends, I am very free and can speak vulgar language the way I like, but I try to use respectful words once I am at home. This often limits my capacity to express myself freely. The people we speak to affect the forms of speaking and writing. 9. I bet it is clarity. I can distill ideas and thoughts into a simple language that gets easily understood by others.10. One of the struggles I face is not being taken seriously. Some people don’t appreciate the amount of work and effort that I put in when working on a piece of writing

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