What kindof supporting evidence do you need to in order toconvince them?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a english multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Overview: For your next major assignment, you will write thefirst draft of your researched argument. You can choose yourown topic; the only requirement is that it your topic somehowinvolves Memphis. As you choose your topic, make sure youchoose something you are genuinely interested in, as you will beworking with this topic in different forms (draft; new media;final draft) for the remainder of the semester. While there areobvious choices (The Blues, Beale St., Elvis, BBQ, etc) you canlocalize just about any topic you care about. For example, if youare interested in healthy eating, then you could do research onfood deserts or school lunch programs in Memphis. If you areinterested in business, then you might do research on FedEx orAutozone and use that research to argue that Memphis is a greatplace to start a business.Purpose: Successful writing doesn’t happen overnight,especially when research is required. Writing is a slow process,and this assignment is the first of three that will help youdevelop an argument, improve your writing process, learn torevise, and think about how arguments change when the genreor audience changes. While this is the first draft of a muchlonger project, you should turn in something you are happy withand think is complete. In order to produce your best writing, youneed to revise, and revision requires space from your first draft.The Process of Developing your Argument: Researchers don’tbegin with a thesis; they begin with a question, a hypothesis, oreven just a hunch. They then do research to either answer theirquestion or prove their hypothesis. You should do the same. Youdon’t need to know what you want to argue yet:1. You need to choose a general topic. Review “Choosing aTopic” pp. 361-4 WM.2. You need to do research and read about your topic.Review “Conducting Academic Research” pp. 365-74WM.3. After you have done research, you can begin to develop4 PreviousNextPurpose: Successful writing doesn’t happen overnight,especially when research is required. Writing is a slow process,and this assignment is the first of three that will help youdevelop an argument, improve your writing process, learn torevise, and think about how arguments change when the genreor audience changes. While this is the first draft of a muchlonger project, you should turn in something you are happy withand think is complete. In order to produce your best writing, youneed to revise, and revision requires space from your first draft.The Process of Developing your Argument: Researchers don’tbegin with a thesis; they begin with a question, a hypothesis, oreven just a hunch. They then do research to either answer theirquestion or prove their hypothesis. You should do the same. Youdon’t need to know what you want to argue yet:1. You need to choose a general topic. Review “Choosing aTopic” pp. 361-4 WM.2. You need to do research and read about your topic.Review “Conducting Academic Research” pp. 365-74WM.3. After you have done research, you can begin to developyour argument and figure out your thesis.4. Next you should remember what you learned aboutdeveloping arguments in the rhetorical analysisassignment. What is the Rhetorical Situation? Who isyour audience? How can they be persuaded? What kindof supporting evidence do you need to in order toconvince them? Are there places you can go or peopleyou can interview to support your argument? Since youare writing about a topic related to Memphis, you canconduct interviews and do other kinds of primaryresearch to support your argument.5. Write. Draft. Revise.Requirements: Approximately six pages (excluding works cited)
Must include five academic or government sources
MLA or APA format
Topic related to Memphis
Topic Proposal Due: 02/21

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