What is your data collection process?

Problem Statement/Introduction Part of your Capstone paper should include a Problem Statement/Introduction and Reference page. Below should give you some guidance in what I am looking for. Problem Statement/Introduction: This component of your paper should set up your issue/topic/problem. The stage needs to be set for why this topic is worth writing a paper about and why this issue is of such importance on the CJ system ( Approximately 1-2 pages). Outline: You must provide a outline which provides a general plan for how you will structure the paper and detail the plan for writing this paper. (Approximately one page) Literature Review: This component of your paper will contain different academic literature written about your topic/related issues. You must provide your references in APA full citation format and cite also in the text where appropriate. You will need to provide your full reference list with this draft. It may change ( and usually does as you add to it or change references) but you need to provide and actively cite a minimum of 9 references in the literature review that you turn in. (approximately 5 pages, but must include at least 9 scholarly, peer reviewed sources). Overall, the first two sections of your paper set up the problem and provide an overview of the literature available on your topic. You must be able to show your reader…in this case ME, that you understand the issues/problems associated with your topic and that you have conducted an extensive review of the literature to evaluate what has been written about this topic (or related topic) by other people and what they think. Body and Conclusion The Capstone should include the body of your paper and a conclusion. Each paper will vary in how these two sections are organized depending on your topic. Below should give you an idea of what I am looking for Body: This section comprises the “meat” of your paper. In this section of the paper you also need to exercise your critical thinking skills by introducing information form the three principle components of the criminal justice system and how it applies to your topic. So, if you are writing about drug rehabilitation programs, you might discuss how policing efforts to crack down on drugs result in an increase in the number of people arrested for drug crimes, how increased prosecution of drug crimes mean that more offenders will go to prison, and more are probated, which is problematic since the capacity of the drug rehabilitation programs cannot keep up with the clientele demands. Finally, you might think about what happens to those individuals that go through drug rehabilitation program. (Approximately 5 pages). The body of the paper is where you will discuss your topic in depth. You will need to cite here as necessary to make your point. As noted above, you will also need to “merge” your topic with the three primary components of the system: policing, courts, and corrections. I am looking for your ability to apply what you have learned in the other classes to your specific topic (This includes critiquing analyses from peer reviewed articles). Conclusion: This section of your paper should bring together what you have learned about your topic, any information from this class that might be relevant, and how/where your topic fits in to the realm of CJ as a whole. What place does your topic have in our CJ system and what would you do to improve it? Furthermore, you need to make one criminal justice policy recommendation related to your topic. (approximately 3-4 pages) Methods and Analysis: The methods section of a research proposal contains details about how you would conduct your research. It includes your study design, the methodology, methods and statistical analysis that you would use. You must also demonstrate your understanding of alternative methods to show that you have made a sound and well-calculated judgment. The methods section of your research proposal should answer the following questions: This is not as scary as it sounds. I am just looking for a basic understanding of how you would design a study on your topic using the tools and information you learned in your methods and statistics courses. Some basic questions you may want to answer: What would be your study design and why did you choose it? Explain your methodological approach. Is the study qualitative or quantitative? What are the sampling methods you will use to collect data? What is your data collection process? What kind of data are you measuring? How were variables operationalized? What variables were studied? What is the typical methodology? Use your literature review to address this question. Who will be the participants of your study? What procedures/activities will the study involve? How would you conduct statistical analysis of this topic? Final Submission: Your final paper submission will be graded on your ability to your ability to put all sections of the paper together into a cohesive whole and make revisions as needed. This is a formal paper and therefore should be written as such. Be sure to check grammar and word usage and use proper conventions when writing. Overall, this paper should be a reflection of not only what you have learned about your topic but how your topic fits in to the larger framework of criminal justice. This is your opportunity to show what you have earned about a particular topic of interest as well as the criminal justice program.

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